Grill Archives - Two Healthy Kitchens Quick and Healthy Recipes for Your Busy Family Thu, 13 Jul 2023 12:45:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Grill Archives - Two Healthy Kitchens 32 32 41 Thanksgiving Grilling Ideas Wed, 16 Nov 2022 19:32:39 +0000 The post 41 Thanksgiving Grilling Ideas appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Wanna try something different this holiday season? Step outside the kitchen with these delicious Thanksgiving Grilling Ideas! From turkey and other festive main courses, to sides and salads – even dessert. Traditional flavors become so much more unique and exciting when you serve up Thanksgiving dinner from your grill! ~

Collage of four recipe photos with text overlay reading "41 Delicious! Thanksgiving Grilling Recipes".

Wanna shake up tradition just a little? Tired of the same old oven-roasted turkey, boiled and mashed taters, and baked casserole sides?

Oh, I hear ya! As I’ve mentioned before – my fam usually has two or three days of Thanksgiving parties, just to fit in the whole family tree and all its constantly sprouting, far-reaching branches.

So for me, two or three (or four!) “traditional” turkey dinners is just not gonna happen. Bo-ringggg! I’m always on the lookout for new twists … unique but highly festive ideas that still feel like Thanksgiving dinner, but yet are also somehow NOT precisely like Thanksgiving dinner.

This year, I thought I’d bring all of you along on my quest for delicious new inspiration! (Like my idea to serve up holiday-worthy Thanksgiving Chicken Breasts, instead of a whole turkey.)

Today, I’m exploring the idea of taking the feast out to the grill. So cool, so impressive!

What Can You Grill for Your Thanksgiving Feast?

Maybe you want to grill just one part of the meal to free up kitchen space (smart!).

Or maybe you live somewhere that still has glorious weather on Thanksgiving Day (lucky, lucky you!), and you’d like to celebrate outside.

Whatever you choose, I found awesome, awesome ideas for:

  • grilling or smoking your turkey (whole or just a smaller breast)
  • lots of other celebratory main dish ideas, if you just don’t want to go the turkey route at all
  • side dishes and salads, hot off the grill
  • and even (no kidding!) Thanksgiving desserts you can make on the grill (yup … pumpkin pie’s here, too, friends!)

So, this Thanksgiving, try something new. Get a bit casual, a bit creative, a bit smoky-grill-marked-slightly-charred-this-is-sooooooo-delicious!

Get grillin’!

Thanksgiving Grilling Ideas

The Main Event: Grilled Turkey Recipes!

From simple grilling techniques, to smoky flavors, or even to a spatchcock version or just a single grilled breast, there's a delicious turkey recipe here that's perfect for your Thanksgiving menu!

Alternative Thanksgiving Mains

Not a turkey person? Or maybe (like me!) you've got multiple Thanksgiving celebrations every year (so much family to hug and give thanks for!) ... and you just don't want to eat turkey every time. No worries. We've got this!

Grilled Sides and Salads

If you're already firing up the grill for the main course of your holiday meal, why not make some side dishes there, too? Easy and fun!

Grilled Dessert Ideas

Let's not forget about the glorious finale to your feast! To end the day on an impressive note, pull dessert from the grill to thrill your guests and add a final flourish of "WOW" factor!

Want More Thanksgiving Dinner Ideas?

Maybe you don’t want to grill every part of the meal? Want a few indoor recipes to round out your Thanksgiving menu? I’ve got ya! How about …

And how about some easy Thanksgiving side dishes?

Other recipes I highly recommend include:

Square collage with four recipe pictures and central text reading "41 Thanksgiving Grilling Recipes".

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

No matter how many feasts you’re coordinating this year, and no matter where you’re celebrating (indoors or out!) … I hope you have a wonderful holiday full of delicious things to eat and lots of laughter with people you love!

The post 41 Thanksgiving Grilling Ideas appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Quick Flank Steak Recipe Thu, 25 Aug 2022 18:36:29 +0000 The post Quick Flank Steak Recipe appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

(The Easiest-Ever Marinated, Grilled Flank Steak Recipe … AKA “Chrissy’s Flank Steak”)

~ This ultra-simple, Quick Flank Steak recipe has been a family favorite for decades. You need just 2 ingredients … seriously, JUST 2! Yet it’s flavorful, tender and delicious, every single time! And if you’re not a grill master? No worries! It’s really easy, and I break down every step so you can get it exactly right, even if you’ve never grilled flank steak before in your life! ~

This Recipe:     Includes Make-Ahead Steps  

Overhead of entire flank steak after grilling, with several slices cut off one end and fanned out and little drops of marinade at edges.

This insanely easy Flank Steak is probably the simplest dinner recipe you will ever prep in your entire life.

I mean, besides nuking a Lean Cuisine or eating Fruity Pebbles straight out of the box … that kind of thing.

But in terms of real, honest-to-goodness, seriously amazing, your-whole-family-will-LOVE-this dinners … the prep work here is as easy as easy gets!

And yes, there will be love. Lots and lots of love! And you will make this again and again and again. (I 100% speak from experience on this … my family loves this recipe for just a whole bunch of reasons … more on that in a minute.)

But for now, let’s start with the most important question:

Why Will You L-O-V-E This Flank Steak?

  • Because it’s delicious and wonderful and amazing. I am absolutely not kidding when I say this is a family favorite recipe. It has been for decades. Across generations. Legendary and never, ever disappoints. It is SOOOO good. Beefy and savory and rich and a little salty and loaded with umami-ness. Tender and moist and juicy. Amazing every time.
  • Two ingredients. TWO. Only two. And this isn’t one of those recipes that claims two ingredients, but technically ISN’T only two, because things like oil and water and salt and pepper are “freebies” that nobody counts. Nope. TWO. Truly two. And besides the flank steak, the other one can hang out in your in your fridge practically forever, ready whenever you need this (which will be often!).
  • Healthy! As beef goes, flank steak is actually a pretty healthy choice, especially if you watch your portion size. Men’s Health explains, “It’s one of the healthiest beef cuts – ounce for ounce, a flank steak has fewer calories and more protein than a ribeye or porterhouse. It’s one of the great cuts – very lean and with a lot of flavor if you don’t overcook it and know how to slice it.” (Psssst … that slicing thing is critically important – I coach you through the proper technique a little later in this article. But don’t worry – it’s super easy!)
Tines of antique carving fork twined in several slices of steak on wooden board.
  • Cheap! Well, cheap for a steak dinner. Remember … you’ve only got two ingredients here. And flank steak is generally one of the more affordable cuts of beef. It’s also a flavorful choice (somewhat similar to skirt steak), with plenty of beefy bang for those precious bucks.
  • And so darn easy to prep! Dump those two (and only two!) ingredients in a gallon bag, seal it up, toss it in the fridge, and walk away. It might take you as much as a minute, but only if you’re moving really slowly.
  • It’s flexible. Sure, the recipe card very specifically lists 1/2 cup of marinade. But do you have to measure precisely? Not really. If you end up with 3/4 cup, that’s gonna be just fine. Plus, I know you probably won’t find EXACTLY an even 1 pound of beef. Up to a pound and a half or even a little more will still be fine with around 1/2 cup of marinade, so use what your store has cut and ready, without sweating over hitting an exact pound of meat. But if you do end up buying a lot more beef … maybe doubling the recipe with a second flank steak? No prob. Dump in some extra marinade. Don’t over-think it.
  • And how long you marinate the flank steak is flexible, too. So, don’t panic if your kiddo’s baseball game goes into extra innings or your last meeting of the day takes twice as long as it was supposed to. Your flank steak will keep right on marinating away, ready whenever you are.

So, ok. What about this marinade? How is it so magical? (I don’t exactly know how, but it truly is!) Here’s what I can tell ya …

The Very Best, EASIEST Flank Steak Marinade

Sometimes the easiest way is seriously the best.

Soy sauce is all you need for a crazy-delicious, easy steak marinade. I pinky-swear promise. No need to make it any harder than that.

Sure, there are plenty of recipes out there for more complicated flank steak marinades, with longer lists of ingredients. Brown sugar, balsamic vinegar, Worcestershire sauce. A garlic clove. Maybe a little olive oil or a squirt of lime juice or lemon. There are lots of paths you can take in making a great marinade.

But I never saw the point. Why over-complicate things when you’ve got this blissfully simple recipe in your back pocket?!

Overhead of 7 slices off end of steak, with remaining whole steak visible at edge.

The soy sauce is an umami flavor bomb that highlights the meaty flavors of the beef without overshadowing them.

Reduced-sodium soy sauce (like Kikkoman Less Sodium) is the only kind I keep in my kitchen. You know I like to have control over how much sodium I’m adding to my recipes. And even with its reduced sodium level, it’s still plenty to season the beef with crave-able, salty vibes.

So, grab your soy sauce, and let’s make this!

How to Make This Crazy-Easy Recipe

You literally need about 1 minute of prep time, and under 15 minutes of grilling time. The rest is hands-off waiting around, letting the steak do its delicious thing.

Super quick, super easy!

But I know grilling a steak can feel intimidating if you don’t do it often, so I’ll walk you through everything, if you need a few hints to get you started. Truly though, after making it once, you’ll agree … easy, easy!!

Step #1

Start with a whole, unsliced beef flank steak.

Flank steak is a leaner cut of beef, and usually isn’t sold with a lot of fat on the exterior. But, if there do happen to be any large areas of visible fat, I usually opt to trim those off before I marinate and grill the beef, but that’s up to you.

Slip your steak into a heavy-duty, gallon-sized, zippered plastic bag and pour the soy sauce in. Be sure the soy sauce thoroughly coats the entire steak, and then zip the bag closed.

Step #2

So … just checking in here … is this, or is this not, the most ridiculously easy marinade prep ever? All you have left to do is pop that bag in the fridge and do a happy dance.

Success! Dinner is prepped and you’re free to go do other exciting things with your day!

If you happen to walk by the fridge now and then, you can turn the bag throughout the marinating process, making sure all that yummy umami marinade is spending lots of quality time in touch with the surface of the beef. But if you’re prepping this recipe before you leave the house for the day, fear not: it really shouldn’t be necessary to flip or turn it, if you’ve coated the steak well with the marinade before popping it in the fridge.

How Long to Marinate Flank Steak

The short answer is that it varies: anywhere from a quick half hour, up to about 8 hours – depending on how much you want the marinade flavor to infuse the steak, and how much time you’ve got to work with.

I promised you an easy recipe, and this part’s easy and flexible and forgiving. Here’s what I mean:

Yes, ideally, your flank steak should marinate for around 8 hours for tons of flavor. So getting it started in the magically easy and delicious marinade before you leave the house in the morning is truly the best scenario. (More than about 8 hours, though, and the soy sauce can start to overwhelm the beef.)

But, we’ve tested this recipe for you with a wide range of other timings, too. For great umami flavor, a minimum of 2 hours marinating time is best, if you can’t get all the way up to 8 hours.

What if you forgot to get this started in the morning, though?!?! All is not lost, I promise! In a pinch, you can get by with marinating the flank steak for only 30-40 minutes. Will it be as turbo-loaded with flavor as a steak that marinated for 2 hours, or 6 or 8? Nope. It honestly won’t. But it’ll still be pretty darn good. And sometimes getting dinner done at a “pretty darn good” level is a win worth taking!

Step #3

Ready to make dinner? This part’s super-easy, too … even if you don’t consider yourself a grill boss.

There are different approaches for grilling the perfect flank steak, but mine works like a charm and keeps you in control of the process.

First, fire up that grill and get it preheated over high heat.

We’re not gonna incinerate the steak over high for the entire cook time, but that high temp is key to creating those coveted grill marks that make grilled steak look so … well, so grilled.

Step #4

While your grill’s getting hot, take your steak out of the soy sauce marinade (and pitch the excess marinade and marinating bag).

Marinated flank steak on white oval plate before being grilled.

Depending on how long the beef had to hang out in your simple but perfect marinade, your steak should have a bit of an alluringly yummy, rich, mahogany stain.

Sear that gorgeous beef over the high grill heat for 2 minutes on each side. That should get you those “WOW – I actually AM a grill boss” grill marks.

Step #5

Next, turn the heat down to about medium or move the steak to a cooler part of the grill. Either way, you want to get your steak away from that ultra-high heat before it chars, and move it to an area where it can finish cooking at a moderate temperature.

Close your grill and let your steak continue grilling until it’s medium rare (medium at the very most). That should take about 7-10 minutes more.

But, exactly how long? And how do you know??

Grills vary widely in exact temperature settings, and precisely how thick each cut of steak is can vary, too. So how do you achieve perfection??

Fear not … we’ve got this!

The Perfect Flank Steak Doneness

Flank steak is best grilled only to about medium-rare. If you like really well-done steak, this probably isn’t the best cut for you to choose. That’s because flank steak is very lean, so overcooking it leads to it being sadly dry, tough and chewy.

To be absolutely sure you get a perfect medium-rare level of doneness (which will equal a juicy and tender flank steak), grab a meat thermometer to check your steak in the middle. You’re shooting for a final, internal temperature 130-135F.

Steak on grill grates with seared grill marks, and asparagus on tray in background.

BUT … as I’ll explain in a moment, you want to let your meat rest for a few minutes after grilling, before you cut it. During that “resting” time, it’ll keep cooking a little more due to internal, residual heat. As explained by The Kansas City Steak Company, a great strategy is to pull it off the grill when your thermometer reads 130°F. It’ll gain about 5 degrees as it rests, ending up at a perfect 135°F.

Do I always use a thermometer? Nope. It’s not strictly necessary, and once you’ve made this recipe a couple times, you can probably wing it without a thermometer. But if you do happen to have a meat thermometer, it’s a handy tool to get you started.

One key note here, though: the thinner, tapered ends of your flank steak will almost always be a bit more done that the center, thickest part of the steak. So, if some family members prefer their steak more well done, you can go for a “perfect” medium-rare in the middle, and still serve up more fully cooked end pieces, too.

Step #6

Ok, so you’ve got your fabulous steak off the grill, hanging out on a clean plate.

This is the all-important resting stage.

I know, I know. You don’t want to wait. It looks sooooooo good.

But resist the temptation. Your steak will be 1,000% better (which I know is not actually a real number … but you get my drift) if you WAIT.

Overhead of grilled steak resting on cutting board with carving fork nearby.

Just 5 minutes – although 10 is even better, if you can possibly make yourself wait that long. It’s worth it!


Because letting your steak rest allows the muscle fibers to relax, and the marvelous, delicious juices to redistribute back through the meat.

You know how all great steak photos (including mine you’re looking at them right now!) feature some appetizing juices artfully coloring the cutting board around a sliced flank steak? Actually, as good as that looks, you want as few juices spilling out as possible. Instead, you want all the flavorful moisture INSIDE your steak, not artfully on the board below. (So forgive me … I still had to give you some juiciness to look at because … you know … we all “eat with your eyes first.” But in real life, you’re shooting for minimal spilled juiciness. Keep those juices within your beef!)

How do you do that? Just let it rest. Resist the urge to dive in straightaway … you can do it!

Step #7

Slice and ENJOY!!!!

Oh, but hang on there a sec … the slicing might be the absolute most important part of all.

Like everything else about this recipe, it’s super easy, though.

Here’s how to do it right ….

How to Cut Flank Steak So It’s Tender

If there is one make-or-break, you-have-to-get-this-part-right step in this entire Quick Flank Steak recipe, this is it.

Cutting your Flank Steak right is CRITICAL to turning a potentially tough cut of meat into pure, beefy bliss.

Notice how your flank steak has long muscle fibers running in all one direction.

You want to cut ACROSS those fibers, shortening them into tender bits that are easy to chew.

Also, you want to cut THIN slices … again, so those fibers are nice and short, making them tender as you eat them.

Carving fork holding steak as a long knife makes thin slices.

That’s all there is to it: cut your flank steak THINLY and ACROSS the grain of the meat.

You can use virtually any long, really sharp knife you happen to have. A very sharp chef’s knife, or a long, serrated knife can both work. Honestly, although it’s way to ugly to show you in my photos, I most often dig out a decades-old, vintage-olive-green electric knife that we somehow inherited through the years. Works great, too!

Ok. Now that I’ve walked you through all the steps and hints and tips, I can’t bring myself to publish this recipe without a nod to its history. It truly is a love story, on multiple levels!

A Decades-Long Love Story

So, I fell in love with the guy (the ONE who would steal my heart forever and ever), right about the same time I fell in love with this steak recipe. Nearly 35 years ago. And the rest is history.

(picture a time warp here, definitely with some 80s music …)

I first met my future-husband, way wayyyyyy back … when I was just 14 years old. I mean, he wasn’t my husband yet. But he was destined to be. He was dreamy and adorable (with a teenage 80s mustache and a mullet OMG) and smart, and always knew how to make me laugh … it was only a matter of time!

This Flank Steak will always be one of the things I remember most clearly about meeting my {future} mother-in-law, Chrissy. And in this one simple recipe, it pretty much sums up some of the very best things about her.

It’s relaxed (dare I say … fun!), it’s wonderful, and it’s low-stress and welcoming. Just like Chrissy is.

Six steak slices on grooved cutting board with meat fork in foreground.

And from all those early memories of meeting his family and starting to fit in there, one of my clearest recollections is of casual, happy family meals at his mom’s pretty home. There was always something wonderful to eat, and despite being a busy working mama, Chrissy always made mealtimes seem stress-free, like a moment of tranquility amid whatever chaos was swirling about in the lives of her three children. And no matter what, she always made me feel welcome, too.

This flank steak recipe was a family favorite long before I ever showed up in their lives. Already playing on regular repeat, to everyone’s delight.

And once I’d grown up and finally married my dreamy high school sweetheart, Chrissy’s Flank Steak recipe went into regular rotation in our new little home, as well.

Then, of course, once we had our own kiddos, it became one of their favorite meals, too – all throughout grill season (and sometimes even when it’s freezing cold here in Ohio and not really grill season at all).

We love it. No exaggeration there. Our entire family’s loved it through years and years, and generations.

And I know YOU’LL love it, too!

What to Serve with Flank Steak

One of our favorite ways to serve this flavorful steak recipe is with garlic-y Grilled Potatoes and our yummy Grilled Asparagus.

Six slices of beef on dinner plate with grilled potatoes and asparagus for complete meal.

If you’re firing up the grill, anyway, why not toss some side dishes on those hot grill grates, too? Super easy!

You could also use this as the protein in a satisfying steak salad or in a hearty wrap. Mmmmmm … or how about flank steak tacos, piled high with your favorite Mexican toppings? Trust me, even though we started with Asian-inspired soy sauce, those Mexican vibes will be A-ok!

Some of our other favorite sides that would be fantastic alongside this steak are:

And for dessert? Sticking with the grill theme again … how about:

So many ways to enjoy your Flank Steak … you pretty much can’t go wrong!

FAQs At-a-Glance

Is Flank Steak Healthy?

Flank steak is considered to be one of the healthier beef options because it’s a leaner cut of meat, yet high in protein. If you keep an eye on your portion size, it’s one of the healthiest steak options you can choose.

How Long to Grill Flank Steak?

It takes about 11-14 minutes for a perfectly grilled flank steak. Our favorite method is to sear it quickly over high heat for about 2 minutes per side, to get pretty grill marks. Then reduce the heat or move the steak to a cooler section of your grill, to finish grilling over a more moderate, medium heat. The exact timing will depend on the thickness of your steak and the exact temperature settings of your grill. Remember that you’ll want to rest the flank steak for about 5-10 minutes before you cut it, and it will continue to cook a little from residual, internal heat during that resting time. So, you may want to take your steak off the grill slightly before it’s “perfect,” to avoid overcooking this potentially tough cut of beef.

How Do You Cook Flank Steak So It’s Not Tough?

Flank steak is best served medium-rare, or medium at the very most. Because it’s such a very lean cut of beef, it dries out and toughens if overdone. It’s also important to cut it properly – thinly and against the grain – to ensure you get to enjoy a tender, juicy steak.

How Much Marinade Is Absorbed by Meat?

This varies depending on a variety of factors, including the cut of meat and the marinade itself. So, there isn’t a definitive answer that can help you precisely calculate absorption, for purposes such as figuring out the nutrition of a recipe. To calculate the nutrition information for this specific Flank Steak recipe, I used the assumption proposed by Essential Health – that roughly 1/3 of a marinade’s sodium and calories would be absorbed.

The next time you need a dinner idea that’s quick to prep and quick to cook (wait … isn’t that practically every night?!?) … try this deliciously Quick Flank Steak recipe.

All the flavor, none of the fuss!

7 slices fanned on wooden cutting board with the rest of steak behind.

Try it and see why this easy little recipe has been such a favorite with generations of friends and family … for several decades running.

I just bet you’ll fall in LOVE, too!

Love the Recipe? • Were My Tips Helpful?


Please leave a star-rating in the recipe card below – I truly appreciate all your wonderful feedback!

Several slices on wooden board with meat fork.

Quick Flank Steak Recipe

Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 1 minute
Cook Time: 11 minutes
Wait Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 12 minutes

This ultra-simple, marinated and grilled Flank Steak recipe has been a family favorite for decades. Only 2 ingredients, yet it's flavorful, tender and delicious, every single time!

 •  Includes Make-Ahead Steps  


  • 1 pound beef flank steak (trimmed of obvious external fat, if needed)
  • 1/2 cup reduced-sodium soy sauce (we use Kikkoman Less Sodium)


  1. Place flank steak in a heavy-duty, gallon-sized zipper bag. Pour soy sauce into the bag, thoroughly coating the steak. Zip the bag closed, removing most of the air as you do.
  2. Place the bag in the refrigerator, making sure that the steak is laying flat and is well coated in the soy sauce. (If you're concerned the bag may leak, you can double-bag the steak or place the marinating bag inside a 9x13 pan.) If you think of it, turn the bag occasionally throughout the marinating time, although this shouldn't be truly necessary if you've coated the steak well with the marinade. Let the steak marinate for at least 2 hours, but preferably closer to 8 hours. (See notes below.)
  3. Prepare your grill and preheat on high heat.
  4. Remove the flank steak from the marinade (discarding marinade) and sear on each side for about 2 minutes, to develop nicely seared "grill marks."
  5. Turn the heat down (on a gas grill) to about medium or move the steak to a cooler part of the grill (on a charcoal grill). Continue grilling until the steak is about medium rare to medium (see notes on doneness), about 7-10 minutes more. Remember that grills vary widely in temperature settings, so the settings and times you use may need to be adjusted according to your specific grill.
  6. Remove steak from the grill to a clean plate and allow to rest for 5-10 minutes before slicing.
  7. Slice very thinly across the grain of the steak (see photos in post) and serve immediately.


Marinating time: We've tested a wide variety of times with this flank steak marinade recipe, and prefer marinating for 6-8 hours, so the steak becomes really flavorful. In a pinch, we've marinated for just 2 hours and even tested marinating for only 30-40 minutes. While those shorter marinating times are ok if you forget to begin marinating earlier in the day, there really is a big flavor difference, and your steak will be much more flavorful if you are able to marinate longer.

Doneness: Flank steak can be one of the tougher cuts of meat if it's not cooked and cut properly. The best way to ensure juicy, tender steaks is to grill flank steaks only to about medium-rare (medium at the very most – remembering that steaks continue to cook a little further, through residual heat, during the resting time), and then to cut thin slices across the grain. Note, however, that when the middle, thicker part of your steak is a perfect medium-rare, the thinner, tapered ends will generally be more well done, which is perfect if some people at your table prefer their beef a bit more fully cooked. (Refer to additional details and photos in the post above about precise doneness temperatures, resting times, and how to cut your steak.)

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 Serving Size: 1/4 of steak
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 223Total Fat: 9gSaturated Fat: 4gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 90mgSodium: 412mgCarbohydrates: 1gFiber: 0gSugar: 0gProtein: 32g

It's difficult to pinpoint precisely how much marinade (and its calories, sodium, etc.) are absorbed into meat. To calculate the nutrition information for this specific Flank Steak recipe, I used the assumption that roughly 1/3 of the 1/2 cup of marinade would be absorbed into 1 pound of flank steak. Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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The post Quick Flank Steak Recipe appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Grilled Potatoes (in Foil) Thu, 11 Aug 2022 20:21:49 +0000 The post Grilled Potatoes (in Foil) appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ These ultra-easy Grilled Potatoes rely on a clever foil packet technique to eliminate 3 common, additional cooking steps you sometimes see in similar recipes. The result is tender, fluffy potatoes with lots of yummy, golden-brown spots! ~

This Recipe Is:     Vegan (and Vegetarian)    Gluten Free  

Closeup of potatoes in foil pack, opened and sprinkled with parsley.

If you’re already firing up your grill to cook your main dish, why not cook your side dish right there, too? It’s so easy and keeps the kitchen nice and cool on a hot summer day!

These grilled potato packets are a perfect example.

We love making them, all summer long!

Why We Love These So Much (and You Will, Too!)

I feel like every time we make this recipe, we’re a little bit surprised, all over again, by how yummy the potatoes are. Despite how simple they are to make, they still turn out so great!

This is definitely our favorite way to cook potatoes on the grill. They’re:

  • Fluffy and tender inside
  • With plenty of deliciously caramelized, roasty-toasy browned spots
  • Highlighted by flavorful fresh garlic (instead of garlic powder) that delightfully infuses the potatoes as they cook together in their cozy little foil packet.

Plus, like I keep saying, they really are very easy to make. And they’re like food-chameleons, easily adapting to whatever else you’re cooking.

Closeup of potatoes plated between grilled asparagus and sliced flank steak.

Because, really – who wants a fussy, time-consuming side dish on a hot summer day? If you’re like me, you just want to relax with family and friends and keep the cooking as easy-breezy as possible! These potatoes:

  • Go with practically any main dish you plan to throw on those hot grill grates, from kabobs or chicken to burgers or fish.
  • Plus, you can change them up by playing with different herbs, spices and toppings to perfectly complement your main dish. (See the suggestions below!)
  • And they leverage 3 specific “shortcut” tips to simplify some of the tedious steps you’ll see in other recipes for cooking potatoes on the grill.

So let’s talk more about what you DON’T have to do to make this recipe …

3 Time-Saving Steps You DON’T Have to Do

*** No Pre-Cooking!

Some Grilled Potato recipes require you to partially cook the spuds first, before you even get them onto the grill.

That’s where the brilliance of a foil packet comes in! (Plus, keeping the potato chunks to a uniform, not-too-big size.)

By tightly sealing the potatoes and garlic in their snug little pack, you’re keeping all the moisture inside. Your potatoes cook to tender perfection, and at the same time get all those tasty grilled spots on the outsides.

Closeup of potatoes in serving bowl, with antique spoon tucked into the side.

Some people add water or ice cubes to the foil packets to create lots of steam and keep the potatoes from sticking to the foil. But we don’t want to fully steam them. We’re looking for more of a roast situation. And, although we do flip the foil packet occasionally to minimize sticking somewhat, those brown, kinda-stuck spots are actually desirable!

*** No Extra Dishes!

Lots of recipes will also suggest tossing your potatoes with your oil and seasonings in a large bowl, before transferring them to your foil for grilling.

BUT … if you hang around my site here much, you absolutely know I’m not gonna dirty an extra bowl for that. I love easy clean-up!

Just like tossing veggies directly on a sheet pan before roasting them in an indoor oven, you can 100% skip the bowl with this grilling recipe, and toss everything together right on the foil.

One less dish to wash! Yay … you’re welcome!

*** No Need to Wrestle with Opening the Pack Partway Through Grilling!

I’ve also seen recipes that require you to open the steamy pack to stir or flip your potatoes while they’re still on the hot grill. Fumbling to open your tightly sealed (hot!) foil while wearing bulky oven mitts, and trying to dodge all the heat pouring off the grill??? Ummmmm … no, thanks.

(Remember those grade-school party games where you had to unwrap a stick of gum or a wrapped gift, while wearing wooly mittens? Not easy. Now try that while working over a hot grill. Nope, nope, nope!)

Simply use your grill tongs (or oven mitts) to shake your pack around a bit and flip it over. So much easier!

Alrighty … let’s get these babies on the grill. Here’s all you have to do …

How to Make Grilled Potatoes

Ingredient Prep

There really aren’t many ingredients to worry about here. Just mince up some garlic and chop your red potatoes.

Simple ingredients, simple recipe. Quick quick.

I know some people like grilling Yukon golds, but I always reach for reds when I want to grill potatoes. They’re pretty much my go-to, favorite kind of potato.

Pile of whole red potatoes on cutting board with head of garlic in background.

Ok. Preheat your grill and get chopping!

No Grill? No Problem!

You can get similar, tender but golden-brown results using the oven-roasting technique in our Easy Rosemary Roasted Potatoes.

As I discuss in my article about Oven-Roasted Potatoes, size really does matter when you’re shooting for evenly cooked, perfectly fluffy-crispy potatoes.

More specifically, the crucial thing is to be sure that every chunk of potato is roughly the same size as the others. That way, they’ll all be done at the same time.

If you have some really big chunks of potatoes along with much littler ones, they won’t grill evenly. You’ll end up with some that are undercooked while others are edging toward a sadly charred, crisp-ified state.

For this recipe, I’ve found that the perfect size is 1/2″ pieces.

Chopped red potatoes on cutting board with knife in background.

That’s the idea size for the insides to be tender at the same point that the outsides have reached an alluring golden-brown. It’s also a great “bite” size, terrific for no-fuss eating when everyone’s balancing plates of food on their laps at a backyard grill party.

Precisely how many pieces you’ll get from cutting each potato really depends on the size of potato you’re using. Shoot for 1/2″ pieces, and you’ll be set.

Step #1

Chopped potatoes in center of large piece of foil with knife at side.

Place those perfectly cut potatoes in the middle of a piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil.

Equipment Tip: The Right Foil for the Job

In my photos, I’m using a piece of foil from a standard grocery-store roll, which is approximately 12″ x 22″. Through all the times we’ve made this recipe, though, I’ve also used foil off the larger rolls you get at warehouse stores like Costco. In that case, I go for a size of roughly 17″-18″ square.

What’s most important here, though, is to use thick enough foil. A single layer of heavy-duty foil is ideal. That’s key both for durability (so your precious packet of potato joy doesn’t rip as you’re flipping it on the grill!), and also to help protect your potato pieces from burning over the grill’s high temperature. We’re shooting for some deep, golden-brown areas, but we definitely don’t want too much charring.

If you don’t have heavy-duty foil, use a double layer of “regular,” thin foil instead.

Step #2

Drizzle and sprinkle all of your other ingredients on top of the potatoes – plenty of flavorful, punchy garlic, plus a little oil, salt, and pepper.

Like I mentioned before, you can (and should!) save a bowl by doing this directly on your aluminum foil. Besides having one less bowl to wash after dinner, you’ll also be sort of smearing and spreading the olive oil around on the foil as you toss your potatoes around (which eliminates the need for nonstick cooking spray).

I usually use my hands to thoroughly toss and combine the ingredients. That way, I can be sure all the potatoes are thinly slicked with oil, and that the garlic, salt, and pepper are evenly distributed. You can use a spoon if you prefer, as long as you’re thorough in mixing everything.

Step #3

Now you’re ready to make your foil packet! This is really, really easy, but let me walk you through the steps if you’ve never done it before.

First, bring the shortest sides (if your foil is a rectangle) of your foil together and fold them together tightly 3-4 times, to seal the packet in one direction. Like this:

Then fold each of the other ends inward 2-3 times, to seal your packet at each end. Like this:

You want a flat-bottomed foil packet with a bit of air space inside. And, you want it to be completely, tightly crimped closed to seal in the moisture.

Step #4

Foil packet on grill.

Put your foil pack potatoes on the grill over medium heat for about 30-35 minutes. Flip and gently shake your packet around a bit, every 8-10 minutes or so.

As I mentioned above, you can do the flipping-shaking step using grill tongs or oven mitts – but remember to be careful as it is, of course, a hot situation working over those grill grates!

Again, your goal is to have potatoes that are wonderfully fork-tender. Some pieces that have had lengthier contact with the packet’s edges will also have those great grilled, toasty edges. So, you should end up with a yummy mix of soft, fluffy bits with flavorful, seared bits mixed in, too. Absolutely delicious!

Adjusting for YOUR Grill

Remember that grills and grill temps generally aren’t precisely calibrated or completely consistent from one grill to the next. The exact cooking time for any grill recipe will have a bit of wiggle room.

While that holds true from one gas grill to the next, it’s even more of a factor if you’re using a charcoal grill or trying your hand at campfire-style foil packet potatoes.

The first time you make this recipe, if you happen to open the packet and find they’re not quite done, don’t panic. Simply seal the packet back up and give them a few more minutes.

Step #5

Once you’ve taken your potato packet off the grill, carefully open it (watch out for steam burns!) to reveal the potato bliss awaiting inside. (Ohhhhhh yum yum yum!)

Overhead of foil packet, opened to reveal potatoes inside.

You’ll likely have a few potatoes that are a little bit stuck to the bottom of the foil.

That’s ok! Remember that’s what we’re actually really hoping for.

Gently loosen them, along with their fabulous, roasty-browned, grilled edges, and combine them into the rest of the potatoes so the extra-caramelized ones mix and mingle throughout.

You’ll have that fabulous mixture of soft and toasty textures, along with the savory flavor of toasted garlic.

Mmmmmm … outstanding!

How to Serve the Potatoes

As you may have noticed from my photos, you can either serve the Grilled Potatoes straight out of the foil packet, or you can transfer them to a serving bowl for a less rustic presentation.

Recipe in yellow serving bowl, sprinkled with parsley.

If you’re really feeling all fancy-schmancy, you can sprinkle them with a bit of fresh parsley, or try some creative adaptations to make these truly your very own …

Adapting Your Potatoes

So, I’ll be honest. The way this recipe is written (down on the recipe card) is exactly how we like these potatoes. Simple seasoning, plenty of punchy garlic. YUM. It’s the way I make them, every time.


You should still absolutely feel free to personalize them and really put your own spin on them. Here are some ideas to try:

  • These are meant to be pretty garlic-y. We’ve tried using less garlic, but this is always how we like them best – lots of roasted garlic flavor! If you’re not a big garlic fan, though, or if other parts of your meal are heavily garlic-y, you can certainly try scaling it back to your own liking.
  • If you want to add other herbs or spices to match these potatoes with your main dish, I recommend adding dry, jarred spices at the beginning, before you grill … or tossing on fresh herbs at the very end, after you’ve taken the potatoes off the heat. There are lots of directions you could go here, from Italian seasoning to Mexican spices to kicky Cajun vibes … or simply to highlight whatever lovely, fresh herbs you have growing in your garden.
  • You can also finish these off with classic, baked potato-style toppings, like a dollop of reduced-fat sour cream, a sprinkling of thinly sliced green onions or fresh chives with parmesan cheese, or even a little bit of shredded cheddar cheese and bacon bits.
  • One last idea: you could try drizzling your potatoes with a little bit of whatever sauces or dressings you’re using in other pasts of your meal, to tie everything together.

What to Serve with Your Delicious Potatoes

This recipe really is a blissfully easy side dish you can pair with nearly anything else you might be grilling.

One of our go-to summer meals is serving these wonderful potatoes with grilled steak and grilled asparagus. It’s so fantastic – an entire meal, all cooked up on the grill!

Dinner plate with potatoes, asparagus and grilled steak slices.

You should also give these a try with our:

I really do like cooking our entire meal on the grill, if I’m out there preparing the main course, anyhow. So besides main dishes, I’ve also got lots of ideas for additional sides, and even appetizers and desserts that you can grill up, along with this potato recipe. My family adores:

You can see the full lineup of our Favorite Grill Recipes HERE, or click the button below to see even more grilling ideas and menu inspiration:

FAQs At-a-Glance

Can I Double This Recipe?

Sure! I recommend using two foil packs, though, instead of one larger one.

Do You Need to Boil Potatoes Before Grilling?

Some recipes do tell you to parboil or partially cook your potatoes before grilling them, to start the cooking process and ensure the insides are done before the outsides overcook or burn. However, using a foil packet and smaller pieces of potato enable us to skip that step in this easier, simpler recipe.

Should You Soak Potatoes Before Grilling?

There’s no need to pre-soak them. Toss them with your oil and seasonings and they’re ready to grill!

Can You Put Potatoes Directly on the Grill?

You can, but grilling them on a slotted grill basket, a sheet of foil, or in a foil packet (like in this recipe) are all much easier options. Unless your potatoes are very large (like baking potatoes, for instance), grilling directly on the grill grates means you’re likely to lose lots of your delicious spuds between the grates and into the flames. *SAD*

Are There Different Names for Red Potatoes?

According to the site Harvest to Table, you may also see red potatoes (which we prefer to use in this recipe), sold under names like new potatoes, red bliss potatoes, or even boiling potatoes. At my local store, I often see baby reds sold under the trademarked name “Ruby Sensation” Potatoes. Apparently, all these names refer to a small type of potato with reddish, thin skins (although the exact “small” size can vary somewhat).

Summer meals should be easy, and this recipe definitely fits that lazy, simple summer ethos!

Overhead of recipe after being grilled, still in foil packet that's been opened in a yellow bowl.

Next time you’re planning to throw some dogs or burgers or chicken on the grill, toss these easy potatoes on the grill alongside.

You’ll have a deliciously perfect side dish to complete your meal … with hardly any extra effort at all!

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Closeup of potatoes in foil pack that's been rolled open.

Grilled Potatoes (in Foil)

Yield: 2 3/4 cups
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes

These easy Grilled Potatoes eliminate 3 common, extra cooking steps. But you still get wonderfully tender, fluffy potatoes with lots of yummy golden-brown spots!

  Vegan (and Vegetarian)    Gluten Free  


  • 1 pound red potatoes, cut into 1/2-inch pieces (see note)
  • 1 tablespoon minced garlic
  • 1/2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • optional for garnish: chopped fresh parsley


  1. Place potatoes in the middle of a piece of heavy-duty aluminum foil (approximately a 17" square or a 12" x 22" rectangle). If you don't have heavy-duty foil, use a double-layer of thin foil pieces instead.
  2. Drizzle and sprinkle all other ingredients on top of the potatoes. Toss the ingredients with your hands or a large spoon, so that the potatoes are evenly coated with the oil, and the garlic, salt, and pepper are evenly distributed throughout.
  3. Bring the sides (shortest sides if your foil is a rectangle) of the foil together and fold tightly 3-4 times to seal the packet in one direction. Then fold the other sides 2-3 times to seal the packet in the other direction. (Refer to photos in post above.)
  4. Grill the potato packet over medium heat for 30-35 minutes (until potatoes are fork-tender), flipping and gently shaking the packet approximately every 8-10 minutes. (Note that a few potatoes may still stick to the foil and develop roasty brown spots, which is desirable.)
  5. Open the pack and gently dislodge any potatoes that have stuck a little, distributing them throughout the rest of the potatoes. Serve immediately, sprinkled with fresh parsley, if desired (see note).


Red potatoes: There is a lot of variety in size, depending on exactly which red potatoes you purchase. Very small, baby red potatoes may simply need to be cut in half or quartered, whereas larger potatoes might need to be cut into 8 or even 12 or 16 pieces to yield chunks that are roughly 1/2" in size. The most important thing is to keep all the pieces relatively similar in size, so that they all cook in the same amount of time.

Garnish: These potatoes are wonderful without any garnish at all, but they're so simple that they are also a terrific blank canvas for other flavors. As mentioned in the post, you can garnish these with fresh parsley, or with other fresh herbs that pair well with the flavors in your main course. Similarly, you can drizzle them with finishing sauces that you're using in your main course, to bring the whole meal together. See the article above for other topping and flavor suggestions.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 5 Serving Size: about 1/2 cup
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 95Total Fat: 2gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 200mgCarbohydrates: 18gFiber: 2gSugar: 1gProtein: 2g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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51 Best Sides for Burgers Wed, 13 Jul 2022 15:13:17 +0000 The post 51 Best Sides for Burgers appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Whether you’re hosting a cookout, or just throwing together a quick burger night for the family … easy, tasty side dishes elevate those hamburgers to something memorable and special! Choose from classic sides like sweet potato fries, dill pickles and macaroni salad. Or, go for a completely unique, new side that’s sure to win “wows”! ~

Collage of five of the recipe photos with overlay text, "51 Best Hamburger Side Dishes Easy • Yummy • Inspired".

Burgers are always a fun meal. From a Father’s Day or Fourth of July cookout, to a relaxed Friday night with your whole family gathered round the table together.

Burgers just feel like a little bit of a party.

And they’re one of those meals that don’t really follow a lot of rules.

Burgers can be ultra-beefy, or they can feature lean turkey or chicken … or they can go off-script as a veggie burger or our scrumptious Asian Salmon Burger recipe.

Plus, you can go classic and simple with just ketchup, pickles and mustard. Or pile practically anything you can think of on top. Italian Hamburgers loaded with grilled peppers and onions and melty fresh mozzarella? Yessss! Fajita Burgers dolloped with fresh guacamole? Also yes, yes, yes!

There’s practically no way you can go wrong with burgers. Creatively, the sky’s the limit.

What to Serve with Hamburgers to Create an EXPERIENCE

The same thing’s true with side dishes for burgers – the sky’s really the limit, and it doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming.

5 grilled burgers on a parchment-lined plate with hamburger buns, sliced tomatoes, grilled peppers and onions at the sides in background.

Even very easy sides can really elevate the whole burger experience and add that perfect, special finishing touch. You can create practically any vibe you want, just by switching up what you serve with hamburgers.

  • Wanna go classic? Try french fries or potato salad. Maybe some homemade dill pickles you’ve got waiting in the fridge.
  • Carefully guarding your summer swimsuit figure? I hear ya! Go with a lovely fresh fruit salad and a lightened-up No-Mayo Coleslaw. (Pssssst … and rest assured … true to the spirit of THK, all the recipes below were carefully vetted to be more nutritious, as well as delicious!)

I could go on and on here, but you get the idea.

Pairing your burgers with one or two terrific side dishes can truly elevate a humble hamburger into a memorable experience.

All you have to do is choose where to start …..

51 Best Sides for Burgers

Even More Great Side Dish Ideas

• Check out our collection of summer-y Cookout Sides for a list of side dishes that pair well with burgers, as well as with hot dogs, steaks and chicken. (And if you’re grilling up hot dogs or sausages along with your burgers, take a peek at our collection of specific Hot Dog Sides.)

• If you’re serving up your favorite burgers at a star-spangled American holiday – maybe a July 4th potluck or a Memorial Day cookout – then you’ll want to check out all the ideas in our Memorial Day Food Recipes collection (lots of red, white and blue recipes)!

• Or take a peek at ALL our side dish recipe ideas!

So, what’s it gonna be?

Are you going with a classic burger side dish, or with one of the more unique, unexpected sides? (Hmmmmm … decisions, decisions …)

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43 Best Sides for Hot Dogs Fri, 01 Jul 2022 18:56:34 +0000 The post 43 Best Sides for Hot Dogs appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Looking for the very best sides for hot dogs? Whether you need ideas for your next cookout party, or simply want a great addition to spiff up family hot dog night … we’ve got lots of terrific suggestions! ~

Collage of 4 recipe photos with text overlay "43 Best Hot Dog Side Dishes: Easy • Healthy • Yummy".

Americans sure do love a great hot dog! And I’m not just talking about baseball games or a 4th of July backyard bbq. Nope, hot dogs hit the grills alllllll summer long. And they’re a fast family dinner so many parents count on to get the kiddos fed in a hurry.

Bottom line: hot dogs are an easy meal that’s always a hit.

And, luckily, they’ve come a long way in terms of more nutritious options, too – with lots of nitrate-free, lower fat, turkey, and even vegan hot dog options showing up in grocery store deli cases. (I’m personally hooked on Lightlife Smart Dogs.)

Hot dogs have come a long way in how they’re served up these days, too.

Trendy food trucks have latched onto this American classic and taken them to all sorts of fusion-y, piled-high, who-knew-you-could-put-that-on-a-hot-dog places!

Suddenly, hot dogs are fun … and full of possibilities!

They certainly deserve a side dish or two that are worthy of being nestled alongside ’em! So, before you reach for a ho-hum bag of potato chips, try one of the easy sides below, instead.

All the traditional summer cookout classic sides are here … macaroni salad, coleslaw, fruit salad … you know the drill. Plus, there are fun, updated twists (hello, Avocado Fries and Cilantro Lime Slaw). Even a couple of special ones hand-picked for the kiddos, too!

Whichever you try first, they’re sure to make your hot dogs a little more exciting – the ideal sides to make an easy meal feel special!

Best Sides for Hot Dogs

Looking for Even More Hot Dog Sides?

• Check out our collection of summer-y Cookout Side Dishes. Lots of ideas that match well with hot dogs, as well as with burgers, steaks and chicken.

• If you’re serving up your hot dogs at a star-spangled American holiday – maybe a July 4th potluck or a Memorial Day cookout – then you’ll want to check out all the great side dish ideas in our Memorial Day Food Recipes collection (lots of red, white, and blue ideas)!

• Or take a peek at ALL our side dish recipe ideas!

Your hot dogs will thank you!

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How to Cook Corn on the Cob on the Grill Thu, 02 Sep 2021 12:50:49 +0000 Grilling corn is easy ... and the results are so delicious! We’ve got tips for different methods, plus ideas for what to do with your corn (besides just serving it as “typical” corn on the cob)!

The post How to Cook Corn on the Cob on the Grill appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Wondering how to cook corn on the cob on the grill? It’s easy … and the results are so delicious! Read on to learn about different methods, plus tips and serving ideas, too! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Vegan (and Vegetarian)    Gluten Free  

Juicy, sweet, just-picked sweet corn is one of the true joys of summer.

And, when you marry this iconic summer food with an iconic summer cooking method (the grill!), wonderful things can happen!

5 ears of grilled corn on the cob on a white platter, with pretty greens and spices nearby.

There are a couple different ways to cook corn on the grill, but let’s look at my hands-down FAVORITE method first …

How to Grill Corn without the Husk

Any time you’re firing up the grill for dinner, it’s a snap to throw a few ears of corn on the grill, too – instant, delicious side dish!

My absolute favorite way to do this is without the husks. Simply:

Step #1: Preheat and prepare your grill just as you always would.

Step #2: When your grill’s ready, cook your (husked) corn on the cob over medium to medium-high heat.

6 ears of husked corn on the cob, just laid on the grill to start cooking.

Keep the lid closed, but check your corn every few minutes, turning it so it cooks evenly and you get some lovely grill marks all around. (I recommend using long grill tongs to keep your hands safe as you turn your corn.)

Grill your corn on the cob for 5-10 minutes.

The exact timing will vary based on how hot your grill runs and how done you like your corn. You can choose to just barely caramelize and warm it, or to go for a deeper, roasty-toasty sear.

Your choice!

If some ears of corn happen to be cooking over a hotter section of the grill and are done sooner than others, you can always move them to a cooler area or remove them from the grill while the other ears finish cooking.

Why Grill Corn with the Husks Off?

• Mainly … because of those pretty grill marks and the caramelized, grilled flavors that develop when you grill corn on the cob this way, without the husks on! It’s transformative and produces a whole ‘nother layer of flavor!

• Plus, you can actually see how far your corn is cooked. If you opt to leave the husks on (as I’ll discuss more in a moment), you can’t really tell how far along your corn is or when it’s done to your liking. When you grill corn with the husks off, you’re totally in control!

3 ears of corn on the cob on the grill that are almost done cooking, with brown spots visible.

• This also means that you don’t really have to stress out about exact timing for the corn, which is great when you’re timing a bunch of other grilled items for a cookout party. Just eyeball your corn and turn it now and then as you tend the other items you’re cooking.

You can easily tell when it’s done and ready to be heaped on a serving platter. And, if it ends up being done a little before the rest of the meal you’re grilling, you can just tent the platter with foil to keep your corn on the cob warm until dinner.

• This method is also super adaptable for serving. You can eat it straight off the cob, with whatever seasonings and toppings you like, or use it in recipes where you want that toasty, grilled corn flavor vibe, like our:

The Alternate Option for How to Grill Corn (Husks On)

I’ll be honest. I don’t really see the point here. Grilling corn with the husks on is basically like steaming it or cooking it in the microwave.

You miss out on what makes grilled corn special – those caramelized grill marks. The nutty, toasted, grilled flavor. Mmmmmmm …

Plus, depending on which recipe you consult (like this one from Bobby Flay at Food Network), most people who grill corn with the husks on suggest the extra steps of first peeling back the husks to remove the silk, then closing the husks back around the corn, and then soaking the corn in salted water for about 10 minutes before tossing the ears of corn (still encased in the husks) on the grill for 15-20 minutes.

Closeup of a partially husked ear of corn on top of a pile of other corn still in the husks.

While the soaking step isn’t strictly necessary (just ask food guru J. Kenji López-Alt over at Serious Eats), it can help to prevent the husks from catching fire or flaming up on the grill.

It all sounds like extra (unnecessary!) work to me. You know I love to keep things simple and easy!

And besides: whether you pre-soak … or not … you don’t really end up with grilled corn. You basically get grilled husks with steamed corn inside. (And those grilled, charred husks can be messy to peel back after cooking.)

Not sayin’ that this method can’t be delicious, too (and now you know how to do it!), but I totally vote you try my first method (husks off).

Toss those naked ears right on the grill and get some lovely caramelization goin’ on!

Closeup of several ears of grilled corn with sear marks, piled on a platter after cooking.

That’s how my family grills our corn, allllll summer long!

You just need a grill and some corn … and those quintessential flavors of summertime are mere minutes away!

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Closeup of grilled corn piled on a serving platter, so you can see the char marks.

How to Cook Corn on the Cob on the Grill

Yield: varies
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

Wondering how to grill corn on the cob? It's easy ... and the results are so delicious!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Vegan (and Vegetarian)    Gluten Free  


  • whole ears of fresh sweet corn, husks and silks removed


    1. Preheat your grill on medium to medium-high heat.
    2. Lay your husked corn on the grill and close the lid, but turn the ears frequently so that they develop lots of caramelized grill marks without getting burned or charred. This will take about 5-10 minutes.


Alternate method with husks still on: Preheat your grill as directed above and then lay your still-husked ears on the preheated grates. Grill for about 15-20 minutes, turning 2 or 3 times. Optionally, prior to grilling, you can pull the husks back to remove the silks, then close the husks around the corn and soak the ears in salted water before placing the corn on the grill (to prevent the husks from flaring up and catching fire).

Nutrition Information:
Yield: varies Serving Size: 1 ear of corn
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 99Total Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 0mgCarbohydrates: 22gFiber: 2gSugar: 5gProtein: 4g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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Italian Grilled Hamburgers Mon, 09 Aug 2021 17:16:44 +0000 ~ These flavor-packed Italian Grilled Hamburgers feature a unique mix of ground beef and Italian sausage. All seasoned with zesty, savory Italian spices, and piled high with grilled peppers and onions, juicy tomato, and a warm, melty slice of fresh mozzarella. They're easy to make, plus you can prep them in advance – so even a busy weeknight can feel like a festive backyard grill party! (Pssssst ... no grill? We've got alternate directions for you!) ~

The post Italian Grilled Hamburgers appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ These flavor-packed Italian Grilled Hamburgers feature a unique mix of ground beef and Italian sausage. All seasoned with zesty, savory Italian spices, and piled high with grilled peppers and onions, juicy tomato, and a warm, melty slice of fresh mozzarella. They’re easy to make, plus you can prep them in advance – so even a busy weeknight can feel like a festive backyard grill party! (Pssssst … no grill? We’ve got alternate directions for you!) ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps    Gluten Free (depending on choice of bun)  

If your family is anything like mine, you love grilling out every chance you get. So easy, and it keeps the kitchen blissfully cool on hot summer evenings!

Plus, it somehow just feels a little more fun and a little more laid back than slaving over a stovetop or pulling a casserole from the oven.

Ahhhhh … grill season!

Closeup of the right side of a completed hamburger topped with Italian vegetables, cheese and bun.

But, if you’re anything like me, you also get tired pretty quickly of the typical, boring burgers-and-dogs routine.

This Italian Grilled Burger recipe is my solution!

  • Extra-lean ground beef is combined with sweet Italian turkey sausage …
  • And kicked up even more with a generous hit of Italian seasoning …
  • Then grilled alongside thick, flavorful rings of spice-dusted sweet onions and green peppers.
  • It’s perfectly finished with juicy summer tomato, and a melty slice of creamy, fresh mozzarella.

This is one seriously loaded-up grilled burger that puts those boring ol’ plain hamburgers to shame!

It’s a full-on, knife-and-fork, lotsa-napkins-needed burger experience!

One hamburger all made up with Italian toppings and bun, with a steak knife stabbing down through the center.

But fear not, friends.

Even though this Italian Burger feels so totally, satisfyingly, indulgently over-the-top … we’ve still worked in plenty of ways to keep it healthier, too. Because … you know … that’s just what we do here!

How We Keep This Italian Burger Recipe Healthier

The main technique we use in this recipe is simply choosing leaner meats: extra-lean ground beef (usually we go for 93% – 96% lean, depending on what our store has in stock) and also Italian turkey sausage instead of the typical pork sausage.

You do have to be a little more careful that lean hamburgers don’t dry out as they cook. But, the reduction in undesirable fat is definitely worth it!

We also pile on tons of veggies. They offer a big nutritional boost, as well as great flavors.

Closeup of one finished burger on a white platter full of burgers.

And, of course, we choose healthier, whole grain buns. We’ve used all sorts of different brands depending on what looks good at the store, but in our photos we happen to be using the yummy 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Burger Buns made by Dave’s Killer Bread company.

(Gluten Free Note: If you’re following a gluten free diet, then of course be sure to choose a gluten free bun brand instead.)

Ready to make ’em? Well then, let’s get going!

How to Make Your Grilled Hamburgers

The strategies we use for making these Italian Grilled Hamburgers are similar to how we make our delicious Easy Grilled Fajita Burgers with Guacamole (probably the next burger recipe you’re gonna want to try!).

Here’s what you do …

Step #1

To start, you want to cut your onions and peppers into thick, horizontal rings.

Ingredients: green pepper rings on cutting board, surrounded by tomatoes and Italian spices with buns and raw burgers in background.

You should get about 5 slices from your onion and 5 slices from each of the two green peppers (10 pepper slices in total). You don’t want these to be wimpy, thin little slivers … you’re going for big, bold slices!

Thoroughly coat the veggies with a little olive oil and sprinkle them all over with Italian seasoning and a bit of salt. Then lay them out on a grill pan (rather than laying them directly on the grill), to make sure they don’t fall through the grates as you grill them {which would be so sad!}.

Pro Tip

When you begin grilling, try to keep the veggies in more or less a single layer. And, make sure to keep each onion slice neatly nested together, rather than letting the onions fall apart into rings. This allows most of the veggies to get a nice sear from the grill, rather than laying in a jumbled heap that would end up mostly just limply steaming.

As you flip the veggies, if the nested rings of onions fall apart and the vegetables pile on top of each other a bit, it’s not a big deal, since you’ll already have a great sear on the first side. Don’t stress about the flip!

Step #2

In a large bowl, crumble the ground beef and turkey, intermingling them as you go.

Sprinkle the meat evenly with the remaining Italian spices and salt, and mix it all together gently but thoroughly. You want to make sure the two meats are intermingled well, and that the spices are evenly distributed throughout the meat.

Form 5 burger patties (each about 1/2 – 3/4″ thick and 3 1/2 – 4″ in diameter), pressing gently but firmly.

Closeup of two hands shaping a raw Italian hamburger before grilling it.

Pro Tip

Don’t overwork your burger meat!

As you mix your burger together and form the burger patties, try to be gentle and avoid overworking the meat, which can lead to tough burgers.

And, as you shape your patties, press them together just firmly enough that they’ll hold together, but don’t over-compact them.

Step #3

Grill the burgers and veggies over medium heat for about 8-10 minutes on the first side. You should get some nice sear marks … yummy!

Hamburgers and veggies cooking on grill.

Then, flip the burgers and veggies and grill it all for about 5-8 minutes longer – until the burgers have reached your desired level of doneness and the vegetables are crisp-tender.

Grilling Tip

Grills vary widely in their specific temperature settings, and many grills have hotter and cooler zones with varying levels of direct heat.

The precise settings and times you use may need to be adjusted according to your grill.

Step #4

Take those juicy, perfectly grilled burgers and enticingly seasoned veggies off the grill.

Five grilled hamburgers stacked on a plate with buns and Italian veggie toppings nearby.

Lay a creamy slice of fresh mozzarella on top of each burger, and, if possible, let the burgers rest for just a few minutes. That allows the juices to redistribute (for maximum juiciness!), and also gives the cheese a chance to get a little melty.

Mound your grilled veggies and a slice of tomato on top of the burgers … and serve ’em up! (Notice the happy, eager smiles and possibly the cheering noises from around your dinner table. Nice job, Grill Hero!)

But wait …

No Grill? No Problem!

When an unexpected rainstorm blows in, and grilling just doesn’t sound very fun … or if it’s the snowy middle of winter and you neeeeeeeed a taste of summer grillin’ …

You’ve got options!

Overhead of 5 Italian hamburgers in various stages of being piled with grilled veggies, toppings and buns.

I’ve used a nonstick skillet (or you can use a grill pan) and cooked these Italian Burgers on the stove, just like I do my Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Burgers (ooooh … another great burger recipe for you to try!!).

If you wanna go the “indoor” route: cook the burgers over medium heat until they’re nicely browned on the first side and almost cooked through (about 5 minutes in a covered skillet, or 8 minutes uncovered). Flip ’em and continue cooking for about 3-5 minutes more, just until they’re entirely cooked. Remember to be careful not to overcook them, though, so they aren’t dry.

Meanwhile, fire up your oven and lay out your veggies in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Roast them at 475°F for about 16-18 minutes total, stirring after the first 8 minutes.

So easy to re-create that beefy, satisfying, grilled burger experience, even without a grill!

Make-Ahead Tip!

An extra-great thing about these burgers?

You can prep the spice-dusted veggies and seasoned burger patties earlier in the day or even the night before. So when the hectic dinner hour rolls around, all you have to do is throw everything on the grill!

In fact, the hamburgers actually hold together better and are easier to manage if they’ve had a chance to chill out and firm up. A bonus benefit of prepping ahead!

Serving Suggestions

My absolute, top serving suggestion is to plate these up next to our Easy Italian Pasta Salad (like you see in our pic below). I mean … Italian Hamburgers … Italian Pasta Salad … it makes deliciously PERFECT sense!

Closeup showing half of a grilled burger plated next to a mound of Italian pasta salad.

• Our Old-Fashioned Kidney Bean Salad, a juicy Tomato and Onion Salad, or one of our summer-y Corn Salad Recipes would be great bets, too.

• For a refreshing, sweet counterpoint, go with our Grape Salad with Cream Cheese-Vanilla Dressing.

• Or, since you’re already firing up the grill anyway, you could truly go all-out, and make the whole meal – every single course! – on the grill. (This is great for when you want to be outside with friends, and really impress them with your “Grill Master” skills!) Here are some ideas:

  1. For appetizers, try our super-easy (really!) Grilled Polenta with Fresh Mozzarella and Balsamic Tomatoes, or Grilled Zucchini Flatbreads.
  2. And dessert? Grilled Tropical Fruit with Almond-Ricotta Sauce is a lovely way to finish the meal, or grill up some slices of Angel Food Cake with Blueberry Cream and Lemon.

FAQs At-a-Glance

Can I Use Different Peppers or Different Types of Onion?

Sure! We love the mild flavor of sweet onions in this recipe, as well as the classic flavor of the green peppers. (Plus … you know … the colors look like Italy!) But you can try other types of onion, and different pepper colors, if you prefer (or if that’s what you happen to have on hand).

Can I Use Other Types of Cheese?

Honestly, I don’t recommend it. There’s just something so satisfying about the creamy texture of the fresh mozzarella that is oh-so-perfect with these grilled burgers. But, if you prefer thinner slices of part-skim mozzarella or even provolone, I’m not going to tell you you’re wrong – do what makes you happy!

What Brand of Buns Did You Use in the Photos?

So much great, grainy texture, right?!? We photographed these with the 21 Whole Grains and Seeds Burger Buns made by Dave’s Killer Bread company. We’ve used a variety of other whole-grain buns throughout our testing, though. Choose whatever you like best.

Does Italian Seasoning Have Salt in It?

Most brands don’t. But, if yours happens to include salt, then decrease the amount of salt called for in the recipe accordingly.

I Only Have 4 People in My Family. Can I Make This Into 4 Burgers, Instead of 5?

You can. But stretching this to 5 burgers (maybe with one left over for lunch tomorrow) is a more appropriate portion size. And it works out better in terms of the ratio of burgers vs. veggies. Plus, if you end up with a last-minute, drop-in guest for dinner (I often do!), you’ll be all set!

Ready to up your burger game? (Sure you are!)

Then this is the perfect burger recipe for you!

Big, bold Italian flavors everyone will love.

Five finished, grilled hamburgers piled with toppings on a large white serving plate.

And easy prep that you can even knock out waaaaay in advance.

So you can relax and enjoy a fun grill night, any night!

Love the Recipe? • Were My Tips Helpful?


Please leave a star-rating in the recipe card below – I truly appreciate all your wonderful feedback!

Closeup of one finished burger on a white platter full of burgers.

Italian Grilled Hamburgers

Yield: 5 burgers
Prep Time: 17 minutes
Cook Time: 13 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

Our Italian Grilled Hamburgers are seriously loaded-up with zesty spices, grilled peppers and onions, and melty cheese. So easy – even prep ahead! (No-grill option too!)

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps    Gluten Free (depending on choice of bun)  


  • 2 1/2 tablespoons salt-free Italian seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 medium green peppers, cut horizontally into 1/2"-thick slices (about 10 rings total)
  • 1 medium sweet onion, cut horizontally into about five 1/2"-thick slices (with concentric rings)
  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 12 ounces sweet Italian turkey sausage (bulk, or links cut open)
  • 8 ounces extra-lean ground beef
  • 5 slices fresh mozzarella
  • 5 whole grain buns
  • 5 slices tomato


  1. Prepare and preheat grill.
  2. In a small bowl, combine Italian seasoning and salt, stirring to combine thoroughly.
  3. Toss or brush the green pepper rings and onion slices with olive oil, making sure they are coated thoroughly (and keeping the onion planks together in concentric rings). Sprinkle vegetables with 2 tablespoons of the spice mixture (reserving about 1/2 tablespoon), evenly coating both sides of all vegetable pieces.
  4. In a large bowl, crumble the Italian sausage and ground beef and sprinkle evenly with reserved spice mixture. Mix gently but thoroughly to be sure spices are evenly distributed throughout the meat and both types of meat are combined. Form 5 burger patties, pressing gently but firmly (overworking the meat can lead to tough burgers).
  5. Place vegetables on a grill pan (so they don't fall through). Grill burgers and vegetables over medium heat for about 8-10 minutes on the first side. Flip burgers and vegetables, and continue grilling for about 5-8 minutes more, to your desired level of doneness. (Remember that grills vary widely in temperature settings, so the settings and times you use may need to be adjusted according to your specific grill.)
  6. Remove finished burgers and vegetables from the grill, and add mozzarella to the top of the burgers. Allow burgers to rest for a few minutes. Serve on buns, with each burger topped with lots of peppers and onions and a slice of tomato.


Make-ahead tips: You can cut the vegetables and shape the burger patties earlier in the day or the night before, and store them separately, tightly wrapped, in the refrigerator, until you're ready to grill them. The burgers will firm up and actually be easier to handle if they're refrigerated for a while prior to grilling.

Alternate {indoor} non-grilling instructions: In a nonstick skillet, cook the burgers over medium heat until they're nicely browned on the first side and mostly cooked through (about 5 minutes in a covered skillet, or 8 minutes uncovered). Flip and continue cooking for about 3-5 minutes more, just until they're cooked through, being careful not to overcook and dry them out. Meanwhile, place your veggies in a single layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Roast at 475°F for about 16-18 minutes total, stirring after the first 8 minutes.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 5 servings Serving Size: 1 burger
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 455

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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The post Italian Grilled Hamburgers appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Mexican Street Corn Salad Thu, 03 Sep 2020 11:44:51 +0000 The post Mexican Street Corn Salad appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ This Mexican Street Corn Salad has so many layers of flavor! It’s our twist on traditional Mexican elote – a uniquely delicious side dish that’s perfect for picnics and cookouts (especially since it can be mostly made ahead)! And after extensive testing, we’ve found a couple handy tricks for keeping it lighter, too! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps    Vegetarian    Gluten Free  

Closeup of about half the serving platter of Corn Salad, with a serving spoon dipped into the side, and squeezed lime rinds, extra cheese and cilantro leaves in the background.

Have you ever spent an idyllic afternoon, wandering through the market stalls in a little Mexican town, sampling authentic street foods? Maybe some fresh, handmade tamales. Or a foil-wrapped ear of piping hot, smoky grilled elote (Mexican Street Corn)?


Neither have I. But I can kind of picture it. Almost smell it. One day maybe …

In the meantime, though, I can fuel my foodie-travel daydreams (and yours, too!) with this fabulous Mexican Street Corn Salad. It’s a perfect summer side dish, bursting with:

  • Sweet, caramelized kernels of grilled corn
  • Tossed with the zippy tang of lime juice and a little hit of chipotle chile pepper
  • Then drizzled with a creamy, cooling mayo-sour cream dressing
  • And sprinkled with some salty Mexican cotija cheese

So many layers of flavor in every single bite. Your own little Mexican street fair, right on your plate.

But let’s back up just a tiny bit, because there’s a lot of background to this delicious Mexican Corn Salad. And since I’ve never actually ambled through a maze of Mexican street food vendors, I tried to learn about it vicariously (aka … I googled it …), and I thought you might be interested, too.

What Is Mexican Street Corn?

Mexican Street Corn (elote), is sold by outdoor food vendors called eloteros, throughout Mexico. You may sometimes see it called Elote Loco (Crazy Corn) or Elotes Mexicanos. There are practically endless variations. Mexican Street Corn can be boiled, but it’s often roasted or grilled. And it can be slathered in mayonnaise or crema/sour cream – or both. Most recipes include lime juice and chile powder, plus a cheese (typically queso fresco or cotija), and sometimes a sprinkling of cilantro.

Ingredients for this Mexican Corn Salad recipe, gathered together on a cutting board (husked corn, cilantro, green onions, a cut lime, cheese and chile powder).

From there, the variations I’ve seen include substituting parmesan cheese or ricotta salata if you can’t find cotija, adding ketchup and mustard to the slather of mayo (pretty Americanized, huh?!?), and also adding garlic or hot sauce or other spices like cayenne, cumin and paprika.

Everybody seems to have their own spin on this delicious and widely popular food.

Ok, then … let’s go one step further to …

What Is Mexican Street Corn Salad?

Mexican Street Corn Salad is simply an easier-to-eat, less messy version of the beloved Mexican Street Corn sold by eloteros in markets and street-side stands throughout Mexico.

Yep! With all the variations out there on traditional Mexican Street Corn, my variation is to turn it into an easier-to-eat (and healthier) salad!

Because I’m not strolling through a charming Mexican town square with a portable ear of roasted corn in my hand. Nope – I’m serving this to friends and family, usually gathered around a backyard patio table. And not everybody is super excited about gnawing through a messy ear of slathered-up sweet corn, with crema on their cheeks and bits of corn between their teeth.

Closeup of a serving spoonful of Mexican Corn Salad, raised up to the camera, with the rest of the serving platter of salad blurred out in the background below.

This re-creation’s got all those wonderful flavors of Mexican Street Corn … without so much mess!

So let’s talk about the ingredients I chose to use in my version, and the terrific little tips I found along the way to make this recipe healthier, too!

Pro Tip #1: How to Make Mayonnaise and Sour Cream … ahem … Healthier

Mayonnaise and Mexican crema (similar to sour cream but a little thinner) are hallmarks of the Street Corn experience. Slathered thickly all over. Mmmmmmmm …

But yeah … you know what else is slathered thickly along with them?


Unwanted fat and loads of calories.

Harrumph. How could I make that whole slathery-situation THK-healthy?

For starters, I simply use reduced-fat sour cream, which has skim milk in its formulation to reduce fat by about 50% and calories by 1/3, compared with regular, full-fat sour cream. That was an easy swap.

But my testers absolutely loved the addition of mayonnaise, along with the sour cream. So much yummier to use them both together, instead of using just one of these ingredients, as some Street Corn recipes do.

Closeup of about a third of the serving platter of salad at the right side of the photo, with a red-striped cloth nearby and plates stacked int the background.

What could I do about that mayo?

My first compulsion was to sub in nonfat Greek yogurt. That’s worked like a charm in other recipes, like our Easy 7-Layer Chicken Taco Salad and our Healthy Chicken Salad with Grapes. But it just wasn’t doin’ it for me here. It completely lost the whole spirit of Mexican Street Corn. Not what I wanted at all.

Luckily, store-bought mayo has come a long way in the last few years, since my early days of blogging.

Back then, mayo still had a seriously “bad boy” rep. I tried to sub Greek yogurt into everything so I could avoid mayo like the plague.

But, new mayo formulations are lighter and use healthier fats like olive oil. Now I feel ok using a bit here and there – especially in recipes like this one, where Greek yogurt just ain’t gonna cut it.

* Pro Tip! * 

Ok, here’s where it really gets interesting.

Here’s that sneaky little tip you’ve been waiting for! The trick that makes this salad absolutely THK-worthy! It’s a handy hack that helped us keep our version of Mexican Corn Salad significantly lighter and lower in calories.

During recipe testing, we quickly realized that we’d need a lot of mayo-sour cream dressing for this salad if we wanted to stir the dressing all throughout. Unless we were willing to use a lot of dressing, it really got lost when we mixed it into the salad. Way too many calories and too much unnecessary fat.

That was a problem.

The solution?

We found it was much better to present the salad on a wide, low platter, and then drizzle the creamy dressing over the top of the salad, rather than mixing it in. We could get away with using much, much less dressing – but it still tasted terrific and didn’t feel like we’d skimped. And, that strategy helped us keep the salad lighter in terms of both fat and calories.

A closeup showing about half of the serving platter full of Mexican Corn Salad, coming into the photo from the lower left corner, with extra kernels, a serving spoon, and limes in the background.

Plus, drizzling the dressing on top of our salad sort of mirrors the authentic experience of slathering the creamy dressing on top of an ear of Street Corn.

In addition, there was an added, unexpected bonus: the chipotle-lime flavors we do mix into the corn aren’t muddied by the drizzled, creamy dressing on top. When we tried mixing it all together, those individual flavors got lost in each other and didn’t shine through as distinctly … or as deliciously.

Instead, our drizzle strategy allows the chipotle-lime flavors stay bright and clear. And the mayo-sour cream drizzle is perfectly showcased, too – creamy and cooling without adding loads of extra calories.

How to Drizzle That Dressing on Top

No need to break out fancy equipment here!

Option 1 (Quickest)

A quick way to get that drizzle action going is simply to spoon drizzle-y patterns over your salad, straight off a spoon.

Option 2 (Prettiest)

Or, to get really picturesque drizzle-lines (like we did in our photos), pour your mayo-sour cream sauce into a zippered sandwich bag. Then, nip off one corner of the baggie with scissors, and unleash your inner impressionist artist as you spatter and splash zig-zaggedy lines of drizzle deliciously across your salad! Fun, pretty and so easy!

A white serving platter of this salad, with a hand holding a zipper bag full of dressing, squeezing the dressing out one corner to make zig-zags on top of the salad.

Note, though, as I mentioned before, that this drizzling strategy works best if you serve the salad in a broad, low bowl or on a shallow serving platter. That way, the salad isn’t piled too deeply, and people can scoop up some of the dressing in each spoonful.

Also, I definitely recommend waiting to drizzle the sour cream / mayo mixture onto your salad right before serving. It thickens up once it’s been refrigerated. Still good, but just not really the perfect consistency you’ll have if you wait to add it to the salad right before you serve it.

Pro Tip #2: Cotija Cheese

Cotija cheese is pretty common in larger supermarkets here in America these days, and if you possibly can find it, I highly, highly recommend it.

We did test this Corn Salad (more than once) with queso fresco, instead, which would be another traditional option. But, without a doubt, my testers preferred the salty hit of flavor that cotija cheese offers, which milder queso fresco just doesn’t add.

* Pro Tip! *

As with the mayo-sour cream drizzle, we wanted to be sure the cotija cheese really shines through, without having to use huge amounts of it, since it’s another higher-fat and higher-calorie ingredient.

Clear glass mixing bowl with the salad ingredients just begin to be mixed together; with cilantro sprigs, lime rinds, a little bowl of extra cheese, and a citrus juicer in the background.

Through our testing, we found that the secret to making a little cotija go a looooooong way was all in when you add it to the salad.

Here’s what we learned:

  1. Although most of the steps in this Mexican Corn Salad recipe can be completed ahead of time – even the day ahead – the cheese (and all its wonderful salty flavors) are most prominent if you wait until just before serving to stir it in.
  2. Alternately, instead of stirring the cheese in, you can opt to sprinkle the cheese on top of your Corn Salad in a snowy layer, before drizzling the whole thing with your mayo-sour cream sauce. While this really allows the cheese to be super-prominent, though, it isn’t quite as pretty, since the cheese tends to bury the vibrant yellows and greens of the salad hidden below it.
  3. Lastly, you can combine #1 and #2 above (which is what I normally do – and what you’ll see in my photos). You can mix most of the cotija into your salad just before serving, but reserve a tiny bit of it to sprinkle on top. That way, you win in terms of both flavor … and visual appeal. (And we all like winning, don’t we?!? 😉 )

How to Grill Corn on the Cob

It’s easy to grill corn right on your backyard grill!

You can do a deep-dive on this in our article “How to Cook Corn on the Cob on the Grill,” but the short story is:

Simply husk the corn and remove any stray corn silk. Then, lay the husked ears directly on your pre-heated grill grates and grill them over medium to medium-high heat for about 5-10 minutes, turning them occasionally so they develop some toasty, caramelized brown spots all over. Easy!

A pile of 4 or 5 ears of grilled corn on a white platter, surrounded by other ingredients for this Mexican Corn Salad, like cut limes, cilantro, green onions and a spoonful of chile powder..

Exactly how long you choose to grill your corn is a matter of personal preference, depending on how roasty-toasty you want it to be (and how fiercely powerful your grill is).

In most of our grilled corn recipes (like this Mexican Street Corn Salad and our 4-ingredient Chile-Lime Grilled Corn Salad), we prefer to remove the husks so that we do get those gorgeous browned spots. But it’s worth mentioning that there’s an alternate technique you can try – grilling the ears with the husks still on. You can go that route for this salad recipe, if you prefer, but you’ll be sacrificing the characteristic grill marks that you get if you husk the corn first.

But hey, you’ve got options!

And speaking of options, what if the sky opens up just before dinner, drenching your perfect Corn Salad dreams with an unexpected rainstorm? Doesn’t sound so fun to fire up the grill, huh?

Not to worry.

Although we love this recipe best with caramelized, grilled corn, remember that authentic Mexican Street Corn (made by eloteros in Mexico) is sometimes roasted or boiled, instead of being grilled. So, in a pinch, feel free to cook your corn however you choose, whether that’s on an outdoor grill, or via some tamer (rain-free!) method indoors.

Oh – and what about using raw, completely uncooked corn in this recipe (like we do in our beloved No-Cook Fresh Corn, Tomato and Avocado Salad?). Nah. I’d vote no. Not that it won’t taste yummy, but somehow that misses the whole point of Street Corn, ya know?

How to Cut Corn Off the Cob

Regardless of what cooking method you choose, let your cooked corn cool down, at least until it’s comfortable to handle.

Showing how to cut corn off the cob with a corn zipper tool; with a pile of corn kernels at the center of a cutting board and the tool and additional cobs of corn nearby.

Then, either:

  • Stand an ear up on its flatter, more stable end where it broke away from the plant (rather than on its less-stable, pointy end). Hold the ear of corn at the top, above where you’re placing your knife to begin cutting, so your hand is never in the path of the knife. Using a sharp knife (this is my favorite), cut away from yourself, down toward your work surface.
  • Or, use a “corn stripper” like the one in our photo.

Work your way all around the cob, cutting one strip at a time.

We honestly use both methods and find they work equally well, although the corn stripper is definitely a little less messy. But really, either is a great option!

Serving Ideas

1) This Mexican Corn Salad is obviously great as a side dish with Mexican-themed entrees, like our:

2) It’s also an attention-grabber to share at potlucks (yes, you’ll be a superstar and win loads of compliments!). Psssst … this recipe easily doubles (or triples) for large gatherings.

3) And, it’s terrific for backyard family cookouts. If you’ve got the grill fired up, anyway, try it alongside our:

A serving platter of this salad with a serving spoon slid into it, and the edge of a plate of shrimp fajitas partially visible behind it.

No matter how you serve it, when you take your first bite of this salad, close your eyes for just a moment …

… and picture that winding street through a little Mexican market. The sun-drenched afternoon, filled with the smells of warm, grilled corn and the friendly calls of eloteros, beckoning you to come closer for a taste of their Street Corn.

Aaaahhhhh … you’re practically there. 🙂

A closeup of a serving spoon tucked into the edge of this corn salad, which is presented on a white serving platter.

Mexican Street Corn Salad

Yield: 4 1/2 cups
Prep Time: 12 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 22 minutes

This Mexican Street Corn Salad has fantastic layers of flavor and texture! A delicious twist on elote. Really easy to make and can be mostly made ahead!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps  •  Vegetarian    Gluten Free  


  • 5-7 ears of sweet corn, husks removed (the exact number of ears you'll need depends on how big they are – you need them to yield 4 cups of corn kernels)
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • 3 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions
  • 2 tablespoons lime juice
  • 3/4 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon chipotle chile pepper powder
  • 1/2 cup cotija cheese, divided
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons healthier mayonnaise (such as an olive-oil-based, reduced-fat mayo or other healthier mayo of choice)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons reduced-fat sour cream
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons water
  • optional for garnish: additional chopped cilantro and sliced green onions


  1. Preheat your grill on medium to medium-high heat.
  2. Lay your husked corn on the grill and close the lid, but turn the ears frequently so that they develop lots of caramelized grill marks without getting burned or charred. This will take about 5-10 minutes.
  3. Remove the corn from the grill and allow it to cool until you can safely handle it. (You can also grill the corn several hours in advance or a day ahead, if needed, and store it in the refrigerator once cooled.) When the corn is cool enough to handle, carefully cut the kernels from the cobs with a sharp knife (this is my favorite chef's knife) or a handy "corn stripper."
  4. Place 4 cups of corn kernels in a medium bowl (reserve any extra kernels for another use). Add cilantro, green onions, lime juice, kosher salt, and chipotle chile pepper powder. Stir to combine thoroughly.
  5. Stir in most of the cotija cheese, reserving just a little (about 1-3 teaspoons) to sprinkle on top of the finished salad.
  6. Spoon corn mixture onto a shallow serving platter or bowl, in a relatively thin layer.
  7. In a small bowl, combine mayonnaise, sour cream, and water until smooth. Drizzle over the corn mixture. (As shown in the photo in the post above, I like to do this by pouring the dressing mixture into a zipper bag and snipping the corner of the zipper bag for drizzling. You can also simply drizzle the dressing onto the salad from a spoon.)
  8. Garnish the top of the salad by sprinkling it with the reserved cotija cheese, and (if desired) with a little extra chopped cilantro and sliced green onions.
  9. Serve immediately.


Options for cooking corn: As discussed in greater detail in the post, you can alternately cook the corn however you choose, although grilling or roasting is preferred for this recipe, to produce toasty, caramelized flavors and color.

Make-ahead steps: This salad can be mostly made ahead of time. Combine grilled corn with the other ingredients in step 4, and then refrigerate the salad for up to a day ahead. Then proceed with the rest of the recipe before serving. I prefer to wait until just before serving to stir in the cheese, because I think the cheese flavor gets a little lost if it's mixed into the salad the day before. I also recommend that you don't drizzle the salad with the mayo-sour cream dressing mixture ahead of time, because it tends to thicken back up once it's refrigerated, and I like it to be a little runnier when I serve the salad.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 9 servings Serving Size: 1/2 cup
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 99Total Fat: 4gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 2gCholesterol: 8mgSodium: 293mgCarbohydrates: 15gFiber: 2gSugar: 3gProtein: 4g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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We'd LOVE to hear! Please leave a star-rating above. And, tag us on Instagram @twohealthykitchens or use the sharing buttons below!

The post Mexican Street Corn Salad appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe Thu, 25 Jun 2020 20:47:44 +0000 The post Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ This easy Angel Food Cake recipe is refreshingly light and sweet, and so very simple (with just 5 ingredients)! Drizzle blueberry cream over warm angel food cake, toss on a handful of fresh berries, and sprinkle it all with a little lemon zest. Mmmmm … it’s truly special. We love to grill the cake in summer, but we’ve got directions for broiling and toasting it (year-round), too. ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps     Vegetarian  

one plate of cake with berries, cream and lemon zest on top, and additional plates of cake in background

This dessert is a divine ending to any summer dinner. Easy but impressive … light yet indulgent. We’re ticking all the boxes with:

  • Toasty, warm wedges of angel food cake
  • Cool, sweet blueberry cream
  • A cascade of gorgeously ripe, fresh berries
  • Just a hint of bright, citrus-y lemon zest

So simple, but startlingly fantastic.

It’s the perfect way to transform plain angel food cake into something really memorable!

Why We Love This Angel Food Cake Recipe So Much

1) It’s Delicious!

Well, yes. Of course we love it because it’s just so darn goooood. That’s a given. Otherwise we wouldn’t have bothered to make it again (and again and again), or to share it with all of you!

2) That whole easy-peasy thing.

We’re talkin’ 5 ingredients and 15 minutes, tops.

3) Versatility.

If it’s summer and you’ve already got the grill fired up, it’s fun (and kinda impressive) to toss angel food cake on the grill until it’s toasty-warm with some of those pretty grill marks. A showy way to end a backyard summer dinner party!

several plates of dessert, all finished and laying on a serving tray with a little bowl of extra blueberry cream

But no worries if you don’t have the grill going, or if you want to make this in the dead of winter. (Which you probably will. We do!)

You don’t need the grill at all, actually – read on for deets about how to slip the cake under the broiler or even toast it.

In fact, the very first time I ever made this, I toasted it in our little countertop toaster oven. Works great! (Although you don’t get the flashy seared grill marks.)

4) It’s a Lighter Dessert Option (Perfect for Swimsuit Season!)

Angel food cake is naturally fat free and lower in calories than lots of other cakes and desserts. 

Plus, this particular Angel Food Cake recipe features protein-loaded Greek yogurt and all those beautiful fresh berries. 

closeup of a fork holding one bite of cake, cream and berry - with the whole, plated piece of cake in the foreground

Ok, ok … it is still dessert. But for sure, it’s a lighter, leaner, more swimsuit-friendly choice!

Oh, and while we’re having this big love fest for angel food cake in all its swimsuit-worthy glory, let me throw a couple more lighter dessert ideas at ya, that both start with angel food cake. I’ve also got terrific recipes for:

5) Make-Ahead Steps (Make an EASY Recipe Even EASIER!)

There are so very few steps in this recipe to begin with, but what little work you have to do can be almost entirely prepped ahead.

You can mix up the blueberry cream sauce a day or two ahead and stash it in the fridge.

small white bowl with a swirl of Greek yogurt and purple blueberry jelly, just being mixed together with a white-handled spoon

You can also zest your lemon a couple hours before. Store it in the fridge, tightly sealed in a zipper baggie, so it doesn’t dry out.

• And we always start with a purchased angel food cake from the grocery store’s bakery (kind of the ultimate make-ahed step!), although you could bake your own if you really want to.

There’s nothing left to do at go-time but slice and warm your cake … and serve!

It’s great as a finale to a quick family dinner. But it’s also a hostess’ dream, because it’s really impressive but so low-maintenance!

How to Slice Angel Food Cake (Without Smashing It)

If angel food cake has one big problem, it’s gotta be that it’s such a smoosh-able dessert. But don’t worry! We’ve got tips to avoid that.

I’ve actually got an entire post detailing How to Cut Angel Food Cake, but here are the basic strategies:

With a Serrated Knife

My preferred technique for perfectly cutting un-smashed angel food cake is to use a long, sharp, serrated knife. (My father-in-law gave me this one, which you see in my photo below, and I adore it for breads, as well as for angel food cake.)

long serrated knife just beginning to cut down into a whole angel food cake

Using your serrated knife, saw back-and-forth slowly, without much downward pressure that could smash the cake. Just saw and saw, letting your knife do all the work with its back-and-forth motion. You’ll get a pretty, clean cut without any smooshing!

With an Electric Knife

Have an electric knife? You’ve probably got it stashed away, to be brought out just once a year for carving up the Thanksgiving turkey.

Well, here’s another reason to bust it out once in a while. Some people swear by electric knives for cutting angel food cake (although I usually don’t want to waste the time foraging around in the basement).

With a Cake Breaker

One last idea. Some people recommend using a cake breaker (like this one). I don’t like the rustic, messy edges that these create, but it’s another option to keep in mind. 

How to Grill Angel Food Cake (or Broil or Toast It)

So, as I mentioned before, you’ve got a few options for how to get your angel food cake all toasty and warm for this recipe.

Option #1)  Grill It!

The perfect choice in summer, when the grill’s already on, anyway. All you have to do is lay your cake slices directly on the grill grates for about 2-5 minutes per side.

slices of just-grilled angel food cake lying on a large white platter, closeup photos so you can see the grill marks

What’s important here is that you don’t grill the cake over a high flame – it’s likely to burn, rather than toasting. We recommend grilling over a very low flame or on one side of a preheated grill where the flame has been turned off.

Option #2)  Broiling

This is the technique we use in our recipe for Angel Food Cake Dessert with Oranges.

Broil the cake wedges for just a couple of minutes per side, depending on how close your rack is to the heating element. Be sure, though, to keep the cake far enough away from the broiler’s flame or heating element that it doesn’t burn, which can happen if it’s too close.

And be sure to watch vigilantly, because once the toasting finally begins, it tends to progress pretty quickly. You want your cake to be warm and kissed with a little golden-brown on both sides. Yum!

Option #3)  Toasting

As I mentioned earlier, the first time I ever made this recipe, I used my little toaster oven. It’s another easy option if you don’t want to fire up your grill. Like with broiling, you only need to toast the slices of cake for a couple of minutes per side. Keep an eye on them, so they reach the perfectly toasted stage without getting too browned.

Ingredient Tips

Lemon Zest

A sprinkle of lemon zest is a refreshing, tart counterpoint to the sweet cake and berries.

a whole lemon being zested with a microplane grater so the zest falls into a bowl below

But, there are two caveats here.

First, don’t go overboard and use too much zest, or it can taste a bit overbearing. You want just a pop of brightness without the lemon being really prominent.

Also, it’s important that you zest the lemon properly. You want to get just the very top, yellow layer of lemon skin. Don’t go too deeply into the underlying white pith (which is very bitter). My microplane zester (pictured above) has been doing a fantastic job for me for years and years now – I highly recommend it for this task!

Pssssst … and don’t sweat it if you’re a zesting newbie. Just take a peek at our post on How to Zest a Lemon (and Grate Other Stuff, Too!).

Vanilla Greek Yogurt

If you’re like me, you’re wondering if you can use a little shortcut here. Why bother mixing together vanilla Greek yogurt with blueberry jelly, when you could just buy blueberry Greek yogurt?!?!

closeup of a spoonful of blueberry cream sauce, just about to be drizzled on slice of cake below

Well friends, through all our testing, that was one shortcut we tried, and I can 100% tell you that substituting blueberry yogurt is nowhere near as flavorful and delicious as using our concoction! Not even close!

Blueberry Jelly

And speaking of blueberry jelly …

We always recommend choosing naturally sweetened, pure-fruit jellies.

The specific blueberry variety we found at our local grocery store to use for this recipe was Fiordifrutta Organic Fruit Spread Wild Blueberry, which is sweetened with apple juice. (This is what it looks like, if you want to try to track down this brand when you’re out shopping.)

Adjusting the Recipe Yield

Summer’s all about easy entertaining. And luckily, this angel food cake recipe can easily be doubled or even tripled for parties.

closeup of one plate of this dessert, with bowl of blueberry cream in background

The recipe is written to use four 1 – 1 1/2 inch cake slices, which equals about 1/3 of an entire angel food cake. That’s the perfect amount for a family of four. (And hey hey – you can enjoy this angel food cake recipe THREE times before you’ve used up the entire cake. Looks like a yummy week at your house!)

But, you can also simply double the recipe to 8 servings by using 2/3 of the cake … or triple it to yield 12 servings by using up the entire cake. Just increase the toppings proportionately. Great for when you’re hosting a summertime cookout! 

Oh … and for summer cookouts on the 4th of July or Memorial Day or Labor Day …

The Ultimate “Patriotic” Summer Dessert Idea!

We’re talking red, white and blue! A totally All-American way to serve this angel food cake dessert for all of summertime’s patriotic holidays!

Just add some red strawberries and raspberries in with the blueberries. Boom! Prettier than a firework … and way easier, too!

plates of cake with strawberries and raspberries added, in addition to the blueberries for a red, white and blue look

And, it’s so much more swimsuit-friendly than a gooey, butter-loaded Texas sheet cake … or a Cool-Whip-topped poke cake … or …

… well, you get the idea! 😉

Grilled slice of angel food cake on a small white plate with all the toppings, ready to eat

Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe

Yield: 4 slices
Prep Time: 6 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 12 minutes

This easy Angel Food Cake recipe is refreshingly light and sweet, and so very simple (with just 5 ingredients)! It's impressive and fun to grill the cake in summer, but you can broil or toast it year-round, too. 

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps     Vegetarian  


  • 4 (1 - 1 1/2 inch thick) slices of angel food cake (about 1/3 of a whole cake)
  • 2/3 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup blueberry jelly (preferably all-natural, fruit-sweetened such as Fiordifrutta)
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (can substitute/add some strawberries and raspberries, if desired, for a red-white-and-blue "patriotic" dessert)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest (from about half a lemon)


  1. Prepare and preheat grill. Grill angel food cake until lightly toasted and golden, about 2-5 minutes per side. Be careful not to grill the cake over a high flame – we recommend over a very low flame or on one side of the grill where the flame has been turned off.
  2. Meanwhile, stir together Greek yogurt and jelly.
  3. To serve, drizzle about a quarter of the sauce (about 3 1/2 tablespoons) over each slice of angel food cake, and top each slice with about 1/4 cup berries and 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest.


Make-ahead steps: The sauce can be made ahead and stored, covered, in the refrigerator for a day or two. You can zest the lemon an hour or two ahead of time and store it in the fridge, tightly wrapped in a zipper bag to prevent it from drying out.

Yield: This recipe can easily be doubled, or tripled for a party. Since 4 servings (as the recipe is written) use about 1/3 of an entire angel food cake, you can double the recipe to 8 servings with about 2/3 of the cake, or even triple it to yield 12 servings and use up the entire cake. Scale quantities for sauce, berries, and zest accordingly.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 servings Serving Size: 1 piece
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 161Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 1mgSodium: 227mgCarbohydrates: 35gFiber: 2gSugar: 15gProtein: 5g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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The post Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Easy Corn Salsa (or Salad) Thu, 11 Jun 2020 11:38:21 +0000 The post Easy Corn Salsa (or Salad) appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ This fantastic, super-easy Corn Salsa recipe is so delicious and so versatile! Toss it together with fresh, raw corn or with toasty, grilled corn … then serve it as an appetizer dip or as a side salad. You can even make it ahead, too. With this recipe, you’ve got LOTS of options! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Make Ahead    Vegetarian    Gluten Free  

collage of two recipe photos showing a bowl of salsa with chips and also as a side salad next to a burger

overhead photo of the salsa in a serving bowl with a spoon in it, with extra ears of corn and cilantro alongside

More than any other season, summertime begs for simplicity. Quick, no-fuss recipes that adapt themselves into any menu or occasion. The kind you don’t have to over-think – they just happen, however and whenever you need them to.

This Corn Salsa recipe could pretty much be summertime’s edible poster child. It’s:

• Bursting with the sunshine-y summer flavors of ripe sweet corn, juicy tomatoes, and garden-fresh green peppers and onions.

recipe ingredients, uncut on a cutting board - whole ears of fresh sweet corn, tomatoes, a green pepper, onions, and cilantro

• Full of nutrients and antioxidants from all those veggies, yet super low in fat and calories (I’m thinking swimsuit season here 😉 ).

• Ready in as little as 10 minutes.

Sooooooo beautifully simple.

And it’s incredibly adaptable! It gives you lots and LOTS of options …

Serving Options (Corn Salsa or Salad or BOTH!)

Option #1)  Salsa

You can munch on this as a snack / appetizer dip. It’s fantastic served up as a salsa with crunchy, whole-grain tortilla chips!

serving bowl filled with corn salsa, surrounded by whole grain tortilla chips, with a hand dipping one chip into salsa

Option #2)  Salad

Or, you can enjoy this as a salad – a speedy side dish idea that’s a nice change of pace from basic corn on the cob. Mmmmmm. You know I loooove Corn Salad Recipes!

Option #3)  Or, heck … you can do both!

Offer it up as a pre-dinner salsa dip, and then bring the rest (if … ahem … there’s any left) to the table as a side dish.

Food Pairing Options (Mexican Meals, or Practically Anything Else!)

Option #1)  Mexican Flair

With a little hit of chipotle powder and cumin, this Corn Salsa definitely fits into any Mexican menu. Especially if you toss in that optional cilantro!

A couple of ideas: it’s perfect with Chicken Tacos or with our Grilled Fajita Burgers (mmmmmmm … check out the photo below).

serving of this recipe as a side salad, nestled on a plate next to our Grilled Fajita Burger with Guacamole

Option #2)  NOT Mexican

But, this recipe isn’t tooooo Mexican, if that makes sense. The Mexican spices aren’t so dominant that it screams Mexican! (while a mariachi band shakes maracas at you).

It’s great as a side for deli sandwiches or grilled meats, or lined up with other side salads at a potluck buffet. It tastes so fresh and vibrant – delightful alongside practically any summertime main course.

In fact, this recipe was born when I needed a brightly colorful side salad to photograph along with Ty’s beloved Cheesy BBQ Chicken Wraps (which aren’t Mexican at all). After the photo shoot, we gobbled it down and couldn’t wait to make more!

Make-Ahead Options (Eat It Now, or Later)

Option #1)  Dig In Now!

This Corn Salsa (errrrrr … Salad … whatever …) is terrific eaten right after you make it. And actually, that’s a really good thing, since you’ll probably want to dive in straightaway (better have some tortilla chips handy – or at least a fork).

bowl of the finished salsa recipe, surrounded by tortilla chips for dipping

Option #2)  Or Be Really Disciplined, and Let It Sit

Are you feeling patient? This recipe is actually even more flavorful and delicious (as though that could even be possible) if you let it sit for a little while so the flavors can mix and mingle. (Use your utmost restraint … don’t open those tortilla chips yet … walk away … walk away …)

We’ve also found it keeps well in the fridge for up to 3 or 4 days. It’s a terrific make-ahead option if you’re trying to pre-assemble some of your recipes before hosting a party. Or, if you’re like me, it’s just nice to have a dish like this stashed in the fridge to nosh on all week.

Preparation Options (Raw or Grilled)

Option #1)  Raw

This is the crazy-fast option!

You can cut the crisp kernels off a just-picked ear of sweet corn and toss them right into the bowl – no cooking needed at all! (It’s the same lightning-fast strategy we use for our No-Cook Fresh Corn, Tomato and Avocado Salad.)

veggies for the recipe chopped and in pretty piles on the cutting board

Option #2)  Grilled

If you happen to be firing up the grill anyway, though, why not grill your corn for some toasty-roasty flavor?

I’ve actually even used leftover grilled corn that I happened to have in the fridge. So, you can grill some extra corn one evening, and then use it to make this salsa recipe a day or two later. Works great!

If you’ve never tried grilling corn, trust me – it’s super easy.

We use the same grilling technique in this Corn Salsa recipe as we do in our Four-Ingredient Grilled Corn Salad. (And, if you wanna do a deep-dive on the subject, you can read more about it in our article on How to Grill Corn.) But basically, all you have to do is:

  1. Husk your corn.
  2. Lay your ears of corn on the grill and close the lid.
  3. Grill for about 5-10 minutes, turning frequently so your corn doesn’t burn or get too charred on any one side.
  4. Remove your corn from the grill and allow it to cool until you can safely handle it to remove the kernels.

three ears of husked sweet corn on an outdoor grill, with some toasty brown spots developing on them

That’s it! Easy, right? And it’s really up to you exactly how long you want to leave your corn on the grill and how toasty you want it.

I know that you’ll sometimes see people grilling their corn with the husks still on. That works, too, but we prefer to remove the husks. That way, the kernels rest directly on the hot grill grates and develop lots of caramelized grill marks.

Summer Simplicity in a Bowl

So, are you picking up what I’m putting down here?

This Corn Salsa recipe (aka Corn Salad recipe) is just a go-with-the-flow kinda thing. It’ll be whatever you want it to be. Quick and ultra-easy, great anytime, and with virtually any meal.



Perfect summer food.

extreme closeup of the salsa, piled in a bowl with a serving spoon dipped in it, as though serving it like a salad

I love that! And you will, too.


Large bowl of the corn salsa surrounded by tortilla chips, with a hand dipping one chip straight into the bowl

Easy Corn Salsa (or Salad)

Yield: 3 3/4 cups
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 10 minutes

This easy Corn Salsa recipe is so delicious and incredibly versatile! You can toss it together with fresh, raw corn or with toasty, grilled corn … and you can serve it as an appetizer or as a salad. LOTS of options!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Make Ahead    Vegetarian    Gluten Free  


  • 2 cups raw, uncooked corn kernels (see note for optional grilling instructions)
  • 1 cup diced tomato
  • 1/2 cup diced green pepper
  • 1/2 cup finely diced sweet onion
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro (optional but recommended)
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 - 1/2 teaspoon chipotle chili pepper powder (from the spice aisle) (see note)
  • 1/8 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon cumin


  1. In a medium bowl, combine corn, tomato, green pepper, onion, and cilantro (if using).
  2. In a small bowl, whisk vinegar, olive oil, salt, chipotle chili pepper powder, black pepper, and cumin.
  3. Pour dressing ingredients over vegetables and stir to combine.
  4. Serve immediately, or (if you have time) allow to sit for at least half an hour so the flavors can meld and deepen a little. Alternately, you can also cover and refrigerate the salsa for up to 3-4 days.


Grilling corn: If you'd like to grill the corn for this recipe, we recommend laying husked ears of corn on the grill over medium to medium-high heat. Grill for about 5-10 minutes with the lid closed, turning the ears frequently so that they develop lots of caramelized grill marks without getting burned or charred. Remove the corn from the grill and allow it to cool until you can safely handle it, then cut off the kernels and proceed with the recipe. (You can also grill the corn up to a day or two in advance, and store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to make the salsa.)

Chipotle chili pepper powder: We usually make this Corn Salsa with 1/4 teaspoon, especially if we're serving this recipe as a side salad. But, sometimes when we're serving it as a salsa dip with tortilla chips, we like a little more chipotle flavor and use 1/2 teaspoon. We recommend starting with 1/4 teaspoon and then adding more to taste, if desired.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 15 servings Serving Size: 1/4 cup
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 30Total Fat: 1gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 1gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 73mgCarbohydrates: 5gFiber: 1gSugar: 2gProtein: 1g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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