Red, White & Blue Archives - Two Healthy Kitchens Quick and Healthy Recipes for Your Busy Family Fri, 08 Sep 2023 12:06:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Red, White & Blue Archives - Two Healthy Kitchens 32 32 50 Easy Memorial Day Food Recipes: Best No-Stress Party Ideas Wed, 25 May 2022 13:45:24 +0000 The post 50 Easy Memorial Day Food Recipes: Best No-Stress Party Ideas appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ These Memorial Day food recipes will be delicious additions to your holiday weekend menu! Lots of red, white and blue recipes … plus must-have summer party classics. And, don’t miss our tips to help you keep everything stress-free, so your summer kick-off is fun and relaxing (even for the hosts)! ~

Collage of 4 of the recipes with graphic stars and text overlay "50 Easy! Memorial Day Recipes".

Memorial Day always feels like the unofficial start of summer … that hopeful kick-off to more carefree, warmer days and easy, let’s-eat-outside-tonight recipes.

This year, make your Memorial Day celebration better than ever! With the perfect (EASY) foods, plus party-planning tips that make the festivities simpler for everyone (especially the hosts)!

  • Of course, you’ll be looking for some All-American, red-white-and-blue recipes to add into your backyard bbq routine, and we’ve got lots of ideas for you on that.
  • But every great Memorial Day menu also needs some of the summer classics, like hot dogs and hamburgers, potato salad and coleslaw. We’ve got those for ya here, too!

Check out our full line-up of easy Memorial Day recipes, and choose some great new ones to try this holiday weekend … and maybe for cookouts all summer long (think 4th of July and Labor Day, for sure)!

And then don’t forget to pop down to the bottom of this post, for easy Memorial Day party tips. Planning, Decorating, and More!

But first, the very best part … let’s hook you up with some terrific recipes …

Memorial Day Food Recipes

Pre-Parade Red, White and Blue Fun!

You don't have to wait for suppertime to cue up the celebration. Get the star-spangled vibes going right from the breakfast table! These ideas are especially perfect if you're hosting a festive brunch before a morning parade.

Appetizers, Side Dishes, Salads, and Drinks

Choose from star-spangled recipes, grilled favorites, or one of the must-have picnic classics!

The Main Event!

Whether you opt for an outdoor meal featuring hamburgers and hot dogs on the grill, or a delectable pressure-cooked BBQ chicken, these main dishes offer lots of options for the "star" of your star-spangled Memorial Day menu!

Star-Spangled Desserts to Finish Memorial Day Off in Style!

Choose one (or more!) of these favorite Memorial Day desserts to end your party with a celebration-worthy sweet treat!

Tips for a Perfect, EASY Memorial Day Celebration

First and foremost, remember that a relaxed party host (or hostess) is a huge key to setting the tone for the entire party. If you’re relaxed and enjoying yourself, it’ll help to put your guests at ease and elevate the energy of your celebration.

Plus, Memorial Day is the perfect time for a chill, easy-breezy summer vibe. There’s no need to make it fussy or stressful in order for your party to be a huge success.

So … how do you do that (when you just want to dash around in a panic because you feel over-extended and behind schedule)?!?!?

BREATHE … we’ve got this!

Memorial Day Menu Planning

Making the Menu: As much as possible, plan out your Memorial Day food ideas ahead of time. Write it all down (so you actually remember every last detail when things get hectic).

• Planning Drinks: Plenty of ice-filled coolers and a well-stocked drinks station will save you from having to play bartender. Make sure your menu includes a variety of beverages your guests can serve themselves. If you want a festive “signature” drink, go with make-ahead pitchers full of yummy refreshers – like the sangria and the infused water featured in our recipe list above.

Grocery Shopping: Write up a master grocery list, and buy the shelf-stable items further in advance. That’s often a better way to shop before big events, so you don’t have to stress over a huge grocery trip at the last minute (especially before holidays, when supplies of some high-demand items might be running low at the store).

Overhead of a piece of notebook paper with two columns of grocery items written on it, with a blue pencil and mug of coffee at corners.

Presentation: Planning a really big cookout and making a LOT of different dishes? When you have a free moment in the days ahead, start gathering the serving bowls, platters, and serving utensils (spreaders, serving spoons, cake cutters, etc.) you’ll want for each recipe. Label them with Post-it notes, so when you’re busily assembling everything at party time, it’s easy to instantly see which serving pieces you thought fit each recipe. Annnnnnd … you can easily ask other people to grab specific items for you, too!

Cooking: In the day or two before your cookout, make any food ahead of time that you can. (Bonus points for recipes you can freeze even weeks or months in advance!)

Pro Tip: When planning your menu, try to choose as many make-ahead recipes as possible!

Prepping: In addition to completing fully make-ahead recipes, look through your recipes to find ingredients you can chop and prep ahead, even if you can’t complete the entire recipe yet. Turn on some music, maybe grab a glass of wine, and enjoy yourself! Be sure to clearly label each baggie or container of prepped ingredients. Not only will that help you remember which ingredients are for what recipe, but then you can also enlist others to help you throw together the final recipes, too. Yay for helping hands!

Ask for HELP: Speaking of help … ask guests to fill out the menu, so you don’t have to cook everything. It’s smart to give each cook a general guideline (like “appetizer” … or “green vegetable”), so you don’t end up with only desserts, or with 7 bowls of potato salad! Guests will be glad to bring something that’s truly needed and gets gobbled up, rather than wasting time on bringing a dish that ends up being redundant or doesn’t fit well with the overall menu.

Party Setup

Have a Plan: Just like with the cooking, do whatever setup you can ahead of time, too. Ask neighbors to lend extra folding tables and chairs. Dig coolers out of the basement. Take care of all those staging things … which will totally stress you out at the last minute, but are an absolute snap to check off a few days early.

Oh, Crazy Mother Nature!: When most people think of a Memorial Day party, they envision a warm weather, summer cookout or sun-drenched outdoor picnic. But sometimes the weather has other plans. Definitely consider the predicted heat … but also be prepared for rain. Make sure guests will be comfortable either way. Decide if you’ll have people come inside to cool off or avoid rain (and tidy up if you need to). Think of fun ways for people to cool off (water balloon fight?!?!). And consider clearing space in a basement or garage ahead of time, so the party can continue even if a thunderstorm rolls in.

Pro Tip: (which most people forget!) Don’t Strand the Grill Master

Be sure to set a couple of enticing appetizers on a nearby table, so people are sure to linger near your grill master, happily munching and chatting. Strategically place some key beverages near the grilling area, too. If, for example, your grill master happens to be a husband-type-guy-person, maybe pick a few particularly guy-attracting beverages (maybe your hubby’s fave beer!) and nestle them in a cooler specifically placed near the grill. So, you know … all your grill master’s friends have to hang around the grill if they want to grab a drink. 😉

Trash: Don’t forget to set out trash and recycle cans at convenient places. (This one I used to forget allllll the time … until my first guest would wander into the kitchen, wanting to throw away a soda can. Doh!)

Tunes: Try out your music setup ahead of time. (This is another thing I used to forget all the time.) Outdoor speakers … extension cords … play lists. Whatever you need to cue up great tunes! Get it all ready and have the fun music pumping from the moment your first guests arrive. It really does liven the mood! Just be sure the music isn’t too loud (and the speakers are properly placed) for people to easily chat.

Decorating Your Cookout Party

Theme: Memorial Day’s obvious “Red, White and Blue” is an easy party theme!

  • For one thing, summer’s fresh fruit is naturally red, white and blue, thanks to all those strawberries, blueberries and blackberries. (And we have lots of star-spangled RW&B recipes in the list above.)
  • And, star-shaped cookie cutters are your best friend! Cut out decorative pieces of cheese, fruit, etc. to garnish and pep up whatever dishes you’re making!
Cross-section slice of watermelon on cutting board, with star-shaped cookie cutters cutting stars out of it.

Decorations: If you want to go the extra mile and buy decorations, it doesn’t have to be over-the-top or expensive. Remember … casual, summer chill vibes! A few patriotic flags and paper banners, along with red, white and blue table coverings and napkins will easily set the stage.

Here are just a few quick ideas …

  • Double-Duty Flowers:

If you’re at the garden center, buy some pretty red and white flowers that you’ll plant in your yard after the party. You just killed two birds with one stone – yard work patrol AND party decorating committee!

For an evening party, twinkle lights always set a cozy, happy mood. You can find strands of simple, red, white and blue twinkle lights, or go even splashier and more theme-y with adorable star-shaped lights like these:

There are lots of holiday-themed paper products to choose from, but this set is budget-friendly for serving so many people (it’s enough for 48 guests):

And if you’d prefer not to have too much trash for the landfill, you could invest in some dishwasher-safe, reusable plate and utensil sets. These come in both red and blue, and will be perfect all summer long … including for the 4th of July and Labor Day!

During the Party

• Welcome Committee: For the beginning of the party, ask kiddos to help welcome guests and show them where to place the food they’ve brought to share. Kids love to feel important and have a role to play! And that’ll keep you more free to finish last-minute things in the kitchen, or to enjoy circulating through your guests without having to pause the conversation every time someone new arrives.

Use a Grill Thermometer: Remember that grill master we talked about earlier? If you did a good job funneling some friends over near the grill station, then your grill master may be a little distracted. No problem! A grill thermometer will make absolutely sure the meat reaches the safe zone before serving. (Here’s a handy guide with target meat temperatures.)

Remember Food Safety: Have outlets and extension cords available, if needed, for hot plates and slow cookers. Extra ice-filled coolers or tubs of ice can help keep salads and other cold foods safely chilled longer. And, if the party will last all throughout the day, be sure to rotate food into the refrigerator to keep everything safe. If you want some munches on hand for in-between times, go with things like chips, pretzels and cookies that aren’t temperature-sensitive.

What Is Memorial Day? (And Most of All … A Thank You)

With all the celebrating and summer-kicking-off that happens over Memorials Day’s long holiday weekend, it’s sometimes easy to forget the actual reason that we’re all celebrating.

But I just wouldn’t feel right, putting together this article about Memorial Day parties, without pausing to think about why we come together on this particular weekend every year.

At its core, Memorial Day is meant as a remembrance of the men and women who have died while serving in the U.S. Military. As explains, “Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971.”

Memorial Day is always observed on the last Monday in May. It’s expanded into a three-day, party-filled, long weekend that’s often hailed as the unofficial summer kick-off.

But most of all, it’s a time to remember and to be thankful for those who have given their lives for American freedoms.

And for that … to all those who have lost loved ones in service to America … I want to extend a most heartfelt note of appreciation, of gratitude and thankfulness. Even as we celebrate, we also remember.

Collage with four recipe pictures with centered text box saying "50 Easy! Memorial Day Recipes".

The post 50 Easy Memorial Day Food Recipes: Best No-Stress Party Ideas appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe Thu, 25 Jun 2020 20:47:44 +0000 The post Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ This easy Angel Food Cake recipe is refreshingly light and sweet, and so very simple (with just 5 ingredients)! Drizzle blueberry cream over warm angel food cake, toss on a handful of fresh berries, and sprinkle it all with a little lemon zest. Mmmmm … it’s truly special. We love to grill the cake in summer, but we’ve got directions for broiling and toasting it (year-round), too. ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps     Vegetarian  

one plate of cake with berries, cream and lemon zest on top, and additional plates of cake in background

This dessert is a divine ending to any summer dinner. Easy but impressive … light yet indulgent. We’re ticking all the boxes with:

  • Toasty, warm wedges of angel food cake
  • Cool, sweet blueberry cream
  • A cascade of gorgeously ripe, fresh berries
  • Just a hint of bright, citrus-y lemon zest

So simple, but startlingly fantastic.

It’s the perfect way to transform plain angel food cake into something really memorable!

Why We Love This Angel Food Cake Recipe So Much

1) It’s Delicious!

Well, yes. Of course we love it because it’s just so darn goooood. That’s a given. Otherwise we wouldn’t have bothered to make it again (and again and again), or to share it with all of you!

2) That whole easy-peasy thing.

We’re talkin’ 5 ingredients and 15 minutes, tops.

3) Versatility.

If it’s summer and you’ve already got the grill fired up, it’s fun (and kinda impressive) to toss angel food cake on the grill until it’s toasty-warm with some of those pretty grill marks. A showy way to end a backyard summer dinner party!

several plates of dessert, all finished and laying on a serving tray with a little bowl of extra blueberry cream

But no worries if you don’t have the grill going, or if you want to make this in the dead of winter. (Which you probably will. We do!)

You don’t need the grill at all, actually – read on for deets about how to slip the cake under the broiler or even toast it.

In fact, the very first time I ever made this, I toasted it in our little countertop toaster oven. Works great! (Although you don’t get the flashy seared grill marks.)

4) It’s a Lighter Dessert Option (Perfect for Swimsuit Season!)

Angel food cake is naturally fat free and lower in calories than lots of other cakes and desserts. 

Plus, this particular Angel Food Cake recipe features protein-loaded Greek yogurt and all those beautiful fresh berries. 

closeup of a fork holding one bite of cake, cream and berry - with the whole, plated piece of cake in the foreground

Ok, ok … it is still dessert. But for sure, it’s a lighter, leaner, more swimsuit-friendly choice!

Oh, and while we’re having this big love fest for angel food cake in all its swimsuit-worthy glory, let me throw a couple more lighter dessert ideas at ya, that both start with angel food cake. I’ve also got terrific recipes for:

5) Make-Ahead Steps (Make an EASY Recipe Even EASIER!)

There are so very few steps in this recipe to begin with, but what little work you have to do can be almost entirely prepped ahead.

You can mix up the blueberry cream sauce a day or two ahead and stash it in the fridge.

small white bowl with a swirl of Greek yogurt and purple blueberry jelly, just being mixed together with a white-handled spoon

You can also zest your lemon a couple hours before. Store it in the fridge, tightly sealed in a zipper baggie, so it doesn’t dry out.

• And we always start with a purchased angel food cake from the grocery store’s bakery (kind of the ultimate make-ahed step!), although you could bake your own if you really want to.

There’s nothing left to do at go-time but slice and warm your cake … and serve!

It’s great as a finale to a quick family dinner. But it’s also a hostess’ dream, because it’s really impressive but so low-maintenance!

How to Slice Angel Food Cake (Without Smashing It)

If angel food cake has one big problem, it’s gotta be that it’s such a smoosh-able dessert. But don’t worry! We’ve got tips to avoid that.

I’ve actually got an entire post detailing How to Cut Angel Food Cake, but here are the basic strategies:

With a Serrated Knife

My preferred technique for perfectly cutting un-smashed angel food cake is to use a long, sharp, serrated knife. (My father-in-law gave me this one, which you see in my photo below, and I adore it for breads, as well as for angel food cake.)

long serrated knife just beginning to cut down into a whole angel food cake

Using your serrated knife, saw back-and-forth slowly, without much downward pressure that could smash the cake. Just saw and saw, letting your knife do all the work with its back-and-forth motion. You’ll get a pretty, clean cut without any smooshing!

With an Electric Knife

Have an electric knife? You’ve probably got it stashed away, to be brought out just once a year for carving up the Thanksgiving turkey.

Well, here’s another reason to bust it out once in a while. Some people swear by electric knives for cutting angel food cake (although I usually don’t want to waste the time foraging around in the basement).

With a Cake Breaker

One last idea. Some people recommend using a cake breaker (like this one). I don’t like the rustic, messy edges that these create, but it’s another option to keep in mind. 

How to Grill Angel Food Cake (or Broil or Toast It)

So, as I mentioned before, you’ve got a few options for how to get your angel food cake all toasty and warm for this recipe.

Option #1)  Grill It!

The perfect choice in summer, when the grill’s already on, anyway. All you have to do is lay your cake slices directly on the grill grates for about 2-5 minutes per side.

slices of just-grilled angel food cake lying on a large white platter, closeup photos so you can see the grill marks

What’s important here is that you don’t grill the cake over a high flame – it’s likely to burn, rather than toasting. We recommend grilling over a very low flame or on one side of a preheated grill where the flame has been turned off.

Option #2)  Broiling

This is the technique we use in our recipe for Angel Food Cake Dessert with Oranges.

Broil the cake wedges for just a couple of minutes per side, depending on how close your rack is to the heating element. Be sure, though, to keep the cake far enough away from the broiler’s flame or heating element that it doesn’t burn, which can happen if it’s too close.

And be sure to watch vigilantly, because once the toasting finally begins, it tends to progress pretty quickly. You want your cake to be warm and kissed with a little golden-brown on both sides. Yum!

Option #3)  Toasting

As I mentioned earlier, the first time I ever made this recipe, I used my little toaster oven. It’s another easy option if you don’t want to fire up your grill. Like with broiling, you only need to toast the slices of cake for a couple of minutes per side. Keep an eye on them, so they reach the perfectly toasted stage without getting too browned.

Ingredient Tips

Lemon Zest

A sprinkle of lemon zest is a refreshing, tart counterpoint to the sweet cake and berries.

a whole lemon being zested with a microplane grater so the zest falls into a bowl below

But, there are two caveats here.

First, don’t go overboard and use too much zest, or it can taste a bit overbearing. You want just a pop of brightness without the lemon being really prominent.

Also, it’s important that you zest the lemon properly. You want to get just the very top, yellow layer of lemon skin. Don’t go too deeply into the underlying white pith (which is very bitter). My microplane zester (pictured above) has been doing a fantastic job for me for years and years now – I highly recommend it for this task!

Pssssst … and don’t sweat it if you’re a zesting newbie. Just take a peek at our post on How to Zest a Lemon (and Grate Other Stuff, Too!).

Vanilla Greek Yogurt

If you’re like me, you’re wondering if you can use a little shortcut here. Why bother mixing together vanilla Greek yogurt with blueberry jelly, when you could just buy blueberry Greek yogurt?!?!

closeup of a spoonful of blueberry cream sauce, just about to be drizzled on slice of cake below

Well friends, through all our testing, that was one shortcut we tried, and I can 100% tell you that substituting blueberry yogurt is nowhere near as flavorful and delicious as using our concoction! Not even close!

Blueberry Jelly

And speaking of blueberry jelly …

We always recommend choosing naturally sweetened, pure-fruit jellies.

The specific blueberry variety we found at our local grocery store to use for this recipe was Fiordifrutta Organic Fruit Spread Wild Blueberry, which is sweetened with apple juice. (This is what it looks like, if you want to try to track down this brand when you’re out shopping.)

Adjusting the Recipe Yield

Summer’s all about easy entertaining. And luckily, this angel food cake recipe can easily be doubled or even tripled for parties.

closeup of one plate of this dessert, with bowl of blueberry cream in background

The recipe is written to use four 1 – 1 1/2 inch cake slices, which equals about 1/3 of an entire angel food cake. That’s the perfect amount for a family of four. (And hey hey – you can enjoy this angel food cake recipe THREE times before you’ve used up the entire cake. Looks like a yummy week at your house!)

But, you can also simply double the recipe to 8 servings by using 2/3 of the cake … or triple it to yield 12 servings by using up the entire cake. Just increase the toppings proportionately. Great for when you’re hosting a summertime cookout! 

Oh … and for summer cookouts on the 4th of July or Memorial Day or Labor Day …

The Ultimate “Patriotic” Summer Dessert Idea!

We’re talking red, white and blue! A totally All-American way to serve this angel food cake dessert for all of summertime’s patriotic holidays!

Just add some red strawberries and raspberries in with the blueberries. Boom! Prettier than a firework … and way easier, too!

plates of cake with strawberries and raspberries added, in addition to the blueberries for a red, white and blue look

And, it’s so much more swimsuit-friendly than a gooey, butter-loaded Texas sheet cake … or a Cool-Whip-topped poke cake … or …

… well, you get the idea! 😉

Grilled slice of angel food cake on a small white plate with all the toppings, ready to eat

Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe

Yield: 4 slices
Prep Time: 6 minutes
Cook Time: 6 minutes
Total Time: 12 minutes

This easy Angel Food Cake recipe is refreshingly light and sweet, and so very simple (with just 5 ingredients)! It's impressive and fun to grill the cake in summer, but you can broil or toast it year-round, too. 

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Includes Make-Ahead Steps     Vegetarian  


  • 4 (1 - 1 1/2 inch thick) slices of angel food cake (about 1/3 of a whole cake)
  • 2/3 cup nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup blueberry jelly (preferably all-natural, fruit-sweetened such as Fiordifrutta)
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries (can substitute/add some strawberries and raspberries, if desired, for a red-white-and-blue "patriotic" dessert)
  • 1 teaspoon lemon zest (from about half a lemon)


  1. Prepare and preheat grill. Grill angel food cake until lightly toasted and golden, about 2-5 minutes per side. Be careful not to grill the cake over a high flame – we recommend over a very low flame or on one side of the grill where the flame has been turned off.
  2. Meanwhile, stir together Greek yogurt and jelly.
  3. To serve, drizzle about a quarter of the sauce (about 3 1/2 tablespoons) over each slice of angel food cake, and top each slice with about 1/4 cup berries and 1/4 teaspoon lemon zest.


Make-ahead steps: The sauce can be made ahead and stored, covered, in the refrigerator for a day or two. You can zest the lemon an hour or two ahead of time and store it in the fridge, tightly wrapped in a zipper bag to prevent it from drying out.

Yield: This recipe can easily be doubled, or tripled for a party. Since 4 servings (as the recipe is written) use about 1/3 of an entire angel food cake, you can double the recipe to 8 servings with about 2/3 of the cake, or even triple it to yield 12 servings and use up the entire cake. Scale quantities for sauce, berries, and zest accordingly.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 servings Serving Size: 1 piece
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 161Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 1mgSodium: 227mgCarbohydrates: 35gFiber: 2gSugar: 15gProtein: 5g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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The post Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk and Berries Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:24:37 +0000 The post Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk and Berries appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

(Healthier First Watch A.M. Superfoods Bowl “Copycat” Chia Seed Pudding Recipe)

~ Cool and creamy-dreamy Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk is accented with sweet blackberry preserves, topped with fresh berries and bananas, and finished with a perfect little granola crunch. Our lightened-up version is deliciously light but satisfying – a true power breakfast that’ll keep you full for hours! ~

This Recipe Is:     Make Ahead    Vegetarian 

collage of two chia pudding photos with text overlay "First Watch copycat Chia Pudding"
overhead of chia pudding breakfast bowl with spoon, extra blueberries and side bowl of extra granola
coconut milk chia pudding in serving bowl, topped with berries, granola and blackberry jelly, with spoon laying on top
individual serving of pudding in a small glass jar, topped with a bright red strawberry

bowl of chia seed pudding with topping, a spoon laying across the bowl, and the serving bowl and extra toppings in background

I love chia pudding, my family loves chia pudding, and if you don’t love Chia Pudding {YET}, I can pretty much guarantee you will now! This is the recipe that’ll make you a BELIEVER!

First off, though, if you missed our Basic Chia Pudding Recipe (where I explain my obsession with those awesome little chia seeds and what they can do), let me catch you up.

The story of my obsession starts out the same way most stories do, with the dark and stormy night scenario. So …

It was a dark and stormy night last summer … and I was asleep. (Remember, I’m a teenager. We sleep a lot. Most all of my stories include sleep. And food.) Fast-forward to me waking up (hungry, of course) and joining my family for brunch the next morning, which is where this story gets interesting.


The setting? First Watch restaurant, one of my favorite brunch spots.

That’s where I made an order that would change the course of my life, or at least my summer. The menu featured something called an “A.M. Superfoods Bowl” (which is what the brilliant minds behind First Watch’s menu decided to name their Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk).

At the time, I had only a vague idea of what Chia Pudding even was and how it worked, but seeing as it presented me with the opportunity to eat pudding for breakfast, I knew I had to order it.

breakfast waiting - a finished bowl of fruit-topped pudding, with a spoon alongside

After my first bite, I was obsessed. I loved it, and knew I needed to find out more so I could make it at home. This was truly something special, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you, too!

What Makes This Particular Chia Pudding So Special?

Since that first delicious encounter with Chia Pudding, I’ve done a lot of research and testing, and created plenty of other Chia Pudding versions. But First Watch’s Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk holds a special place in my heart for a few reasons:

  1. It introduced me to an entirely new food (I always like trying new foods), and I really, really loved this one (which, ahem, I may have mentioned two or three times already).
  2. First Watch uses a gorgeous combination of fresh fruit, jelly, and granola for a perfect balance of flavors and creamy-crunchy textures.
  3. It feels super light, but definitely keeps me full for a looong time. (Heads-up, though … while their version tastes light, our healthier recreation actually is much lighter … more on that later!)
  4. Most importantly, I get to have pudding for breakfast. I mean, life is short, right?!?

hands holding bowl of breakfast chia pudding, with serving bowl in background

And here’s the unexpected plot twist: Chia Pudding can actually be good for you, too! (Did you see that one coming?!?)

When I got home after that fateful morning at First Watch, I dove into some research on chia seeds and Chia Pudding. I found out that, in addition to being creamy, sweet, and delicious, Chia Seed Pudding packs a nutritious punch, too. It’s got lots of: 

  • Antioxidants
  • Fiber
  • Omega-3 fatty acids
  • and Protein

Delicious pudding for breakfast that’s good for you, too? Yup!

So (spoiler alert) my little story that began with that dark and stormy (sleepy!) night, has a really happily-ever-after ending!

But wait. You might be wondering exactly how you get to happily-ever-after. Let’s dig deeper …

How Do Chia Seeds Work?

For the sake of my sanity and yours, beloved reader, I’ll give you the abridged version of everything I know about chia seeds. But, if you came here for a full rundown on all things chia, keep an eye out for our “What is Chia” Post (wink, wink, coming soon).

Long story short … chia seeds are awesome!

storage jar filled with chia seeds, with spoon in it

Put a tiny, unassuming chia seed into any liquid, and it’s like one of those magic growing toys you had as a kid. Just put ’em in water and watch ’em grow!

Chia seeds swell into tapioca-esque pearls when combined with a liquid. They gel the surrounding liquid into a silky custard.

How, you ask?

The answer starts with “M”. Surprisingly (and disappointingly) it’s not “M”agic, though. Chia’s got a lot of a thick, gluey substance which almost all plants produce. It’s called mucilage (which sounds absolutely nothing like magic, right?!?)

Chia’s soluble fiber and mucilage work together, allowing chia seeds to expand impressively (approximately 10 times their own weight) as they “gel” the surrounding liquid.

Even better? When it comes to making pudding, this means that the chia basically does all the work for you! Mix up your pudding and walk away.

mixing bowl with chia seeds and coconut milk, just starting to be stirred together

The chia seeds take care of the rest. So easy!

Now that you know how it works, let’s roll up our sleeves and get to the delicious part! Let’s actually make some!

How Do You Make Chia Seed Pudding?

Since you’ve got a basic idea of chia’s superpower, it’s probably easy to guess how you’d go about making Chia Pudding, right?

  1. Add liquid to chia.
  2. Stir.
  3. Add toppings.

Booyah. Well, almost. But here’s what you need to know to really make great, life-changing, perfect Chia Pudding …

The Right Ratio for Chia Pudding

Unfortunately, simply dumping a gallon of water with a handful of chia seeds, all willy-nilly, isn’t gonna give you exactly the results you’re looking for. There’s actually a ratio (egads … math!) used to mix up Chia Pudding, although it is somewhat adjustable depending on how you prefer the consistency.

As we explained in our “basic, starter recipe” for Easy Chia Seed Pudding, most recipes you’ll come across suggest using a ratio of chia to liquid that’s somewhere between 1:2 and 1:4 (that’s 1 part chia to 2 or 4 parts liquid – or somewhere in between).

After a lot of testing, we recommend starting with ¼ cup chia seeds to 1 cup of liquid (a 1:4 ratio). For my family, that creates the ideal texture and pudding-y thickness.

serving bowl with finished chia pudding, surrounded by toppings like fruits, granola and jelly

But, if you’d rather have a thinner pudding, you can add more liquid or decrease the amount of chia a little. On the other hand, if you want your pudding thicker, you can cut back on the liquid or increase the amount of chia.

Choosing Your Milk

As we discuss in much greater detail in our Basic, Easy Chia Seed Pudding recipe, you can make your pudding with whatever milk you prefer, but First Watch uses coconut milk in theirs, so that’s what we’re using in our “copycat” version (although we go with a much lower-fat coconut milk than they do, to help keep total fat and calories in check).

Once you’ve got the ratio right and picked your milk, you just need to figure out what flavors you want to add. Trust me – after trying completely unsweetened Chia Pudding, I can tell you that adding a bit of sweetness and maybe some small flavor boosters is critical. Totally plain Chia Pudding? Not good. Not good at all.

You can refer to our Basic Recipe for lots of suggestions on different sweeteners and flavorings to change up your Chia Pudding, but for this First Watch “copycat,” we found we could closely mimic the flavor of the original by using:

  • Vanilla extract to provide a hint of flavor without being overpowering
  • Maple syrup to add a subtle, rich background flavor and provide sweetness
  • Plain, white sugar to contribute to the sweetness without adding competing flavors (like we got when we tried other sweeteners such as honey)

Mix up your little chia seeds, coconut milk, vanilla and sweeteners, and the base of your recipe is done! You’re almost ready to walk away and let those tiny chia seeds do the rest.

closeup photo of the toppings on a bowl of chia pudding - strawberries, blueberries, sliced bananas, jelly and granola

But first, there’s an important step a lot of people skip. (Hint: for perfect Chia Pudding, don’t skip it!) Because nobody wants clumps in their perfect bowl of Chia Pudding, right?!?

How Do You Keep Chia Pudding from Clumping?

As easy as it is to whip up a batch of Chia Pudding and immediately throw it in the fridge, sometimes you’ll come back to find it’s clumped up with bits of chia stuck together in tight little balls. It’s not the end of the world if that happens, but it’s easy to avoid. Here’s how:

  • Stir up the Chia Pudding, but don’t put in the fridge yet. Leave it on the counter or somewhere you won’t forget.
  • Come back 10-15 minutes later when the chia has partially expanded. Stir or whisk it again and break up any clumps that are forming.
  • Now it’s time to cover it and pop it in the fridge so it’s ready for later, free of the fear that your chia will be clumpy (egads!). You can store the whole batch in the mixing bowl, ready to portion out later. Or, if you’re looking to score big “adorableness” points, you can go ahead and portion the pudding mixture into single-serving containers, like the pretty Weck mini tulip jars we used in our photos:

Individual servings of coconut milk chia pudding in pretty little glass jars, topped with fruit and granola

  • Yay – you’re done! Go to bed. Sleeeeeep (maybe it’s a dark and stormy night???). Then wake up and peek in the fridge to find breakfast ready and waiting for you (with no clumps)! Thanks to the magic (aka mucilage) of chia! Woot woot!

Next comes the really fun part: Toppings!

What Do You Put on Coconut Milk Chia Pudding?

Again, if you want to get creative and push your Chia Pudding boundaries, hop over to our “Basic Recipe” for LOTS of ideas. But for today, we’re keeping this Coconut Milk Chia Pudding recipe as similar to First Watch’s version as we can.

overhead of finished bowl of chia pudding, topped with jelly, fruit and granola - with a spoon and extra granola nearby

So, for toppings, we’ve got:

Spoon the jelly on top of your Chia Pudding, pile on some fruit, and toss on a little granola. Then, dig in! (Personally, I like to mix everything together as I eat, but it’s practically a work of art before you start stirring it all around … almost too pretty to devour! Well, almost.)

If you really want this to be exactly authentic to how First Watch serves it, you need to surround it with a few slices of whole grain toast, slathered with almond butter and sprinkled with a tiny hit of kosher salt. Yummmmmm …

serving bowl of chia pudding with fruit, surrounded by toast topped with almond butter

Either way, it’s a power breakfast that’ll keep you fueled up all morning long, no matter what your day might hold!

But wait. It gets even better!

Make-Ahead Tips and Chia Pudding for Meal Prep

The whole idea of Chia Pudding is based on it being a “make-ahead” recipe. It needs a few hours or overnight to set up, so you definitely can and should make this ahead of when you actually want to eat it. (BTW … we’ve got an entire recipe post specifically focusing on Overnight Chia Pudding. It’s basically the exact same concept as making overnight oats.)

Terrific, right? Make-ahead recipes are awesome for busy people!

Plus, if you make a double- or triple-batch for meal prepping, you can put it in the fridge for lots of later meals, too. We’ve found that it keeps well for at least 3-5 days. So, save yourself some time in the mornings and whip up a big batch tonight. Believe me, you’ll thank yourself later!

closeup of individual serving of chia pudding in glass "tulip" jar, topped with a strawberry and granola

Once you’ve tried our Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk, be sure to leave me a comment down below in our comments section, and let me know how you like it! And definitely – if you’ve had First Watch’s “original” chia pudding with coconut milk, let me know how you think this one compares!

Oh … and for all you die-hard chia fans, be sure to try our delicious Apple Pie Overnight Chia Pudding and our decadent “Candy Bar” Chocolate Chia Seed Pudding, too – or go all-in with a peek at our full lineup of 30 Chia Pudding Recipes! Mmmmmm … so many delicious options!

Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk and Berries

Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk and Berries

Yield: 4 servings
Prep Time: 7 minutes
Inactive Time: 2 hours
Total Time: 2 hours 7 minutes

This delicious Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk recipe is our {healthier} copycat version of the popular First Watch A.M. Superfoods Bowl. It's a meal prep dream, and a power breakfast that'll keep you fueled up for hours!

  Make Ahead    Vegetarian  


  • 1 cup unsweetened coconut milk (the lower-fat refrigerated kind, such as Silk – not canned)
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon pure maple syrup
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup blackberry jelly or preserves (preferably 100% pure fruit, such as Smucker's Simply Fruit)
  • 1 cup fruit (blueberries, sliced strawberries and sliced bananas – see note)
  • 1/4 cup granola (such as Cascadian Farm Oats & Honey)


  1. Mix coconut milk, chia seeds, maple syrup, sugar, and vanilla in a medium bowl with a spoon or whisk, stirring thoroughly to combine.
  2. Set aside briefly and stir or whisk again after about 10-15 minutes to break up any clumps of chia seeds.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least an hour or two, or overnight. At this point, you can divide it into 4 single-serve containers such as the adorable Weck jars we used in our photos, or leave your pudding in a large serving bowl to portion out later. The pudding will be soft-set after about 1 hour. But, if possible, we recommend waiting at least 2 hours before eating, until the pudding is creamier and more fully set.
  4. When ready to serve the pudding, if it's not already divided into single-serve containers, portion out 4 equal servings. Top each serving with 1 tablespoon jelly, 1/4 cup fruit (or a little more, if desired) and 1 tablespoon granola. Serve immediately.


Fruit topping: We specify a combination of blueberries, strawberries and bananas, since that's what First Watch uses in their "original" version. But feel free to swap in other berries, too, such as blackberries or raspberries. And don't obsess about using exactly 1/4 cup for each serving – that's just a starting point for you. Feel free to pile on more delicious, healthy berries if you'd like!

Thickness and consistency: As we discuss in greater detail in the post, we've extensively tested the proportion of chia to coconut milk in this recipe, to find the thickness and texture we prefer. But, you can adjust that to your own preferences by slightly varying the amount of chia and/or coconut milk. For example, a ratio with slightly less milk (or more chia) will yield a thicker pudding.

Make-ahead and meal prep: The base for this Chia Pudding keeps well, covered in the refrigerator, for at least 3-5 days. You might want to make a double batch for quick, grab-and-go breakfasts (and even snacks) all week long. We recommend waiting to add the toppings until just before serving, however, so the fruit is really fresh and the granola is crunchy.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 4 servings Serving Size: 3/4 cup
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 179Total Fat: 5gSaturated Fat: 2gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 4gCholesterol: 0mgSodium: 26mgCarbohydrates: 32gFiber: 6gSugar: 19gProtein: 3g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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bowl of Coconut Milk Chia Pudding topped with berries and granola with spoon in background

The post Chia Pudding with Coconut Milk and Berries appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Mix-and-Match Easy BBQ Menu Ideas Thu, 19 Jul 2018 18:11:11 +0000 The post Mix-and-Match Easy BBQ Menu Ideas appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Hosting a summer cookout? Make an easy game plan ahead of time to ensure that even YOU – the party’s host – will have an enjoyable (and delicious) time! Pick and choose from our Easy BBQ Menu Ideas to put together a cookout menu everyone will love – whether you decide to make every single part of the meal on the grill, or choose a few non-grilled recipes that can be made ahead. Relax … you’ve got this! ~

Host a party-perfect summer cookout with a menu everyone will LOVE! Pick and choose from our Easy BBQ Menu Ideas – everything from grilled appetizers to burgers, chicken and fish … even grilled desserts! We’ve also got ideas for vegetarians and for non-grilled recipes that can be quickly made ahead to fill out the menu. Relax and enjoy your barbecue party… you’ve got this! | summer recipes | summer party | #grill #barbecue #grilling #bbq #easyrecipe #healthyrecipes |

Firing up the grill is a perfect way to entertain in the summer – definitely a go-to choice for us when we’re hosting friends and family!

One of the very best things about hosting a BBQ is that you’re doing the cooking right outside where the action is, hanging out with your guests in the gorgeous summer weather, even while you’re finishing up the cooking.

But a casual BBQ party isn’t much fun if it’s disorganized – especially not for the stressed-out host! And I don’t know about you, but if I’m inviting a bunch of people over for a chill summer party, I sure want to be having fun, too!

Making your BBQ Party FUN!

So how do you avoid a disorganized stress-fest? Just make a simple game plan! A little planning goes a long way!

Consider the flow of the meal, the timing of each recipe, and the ways that you can save some stress by completing parts of the meal ahead of time (whether that means doing a bit of the prepping and chopping ahead, or completing entire make-ahead recipes before the party swings into gear).

Grilling the ENTIRE Meal

To help you plan the perfect, über-organized summer BBQ party, I’ve compiled a mix-and-match list of our favorite grilling recipes. Everything from appetizers to dessert can be made right out there on the grill!

You can offer up some grilled appetizers and mingle for a while, then fire up the main dish and maybe even a grilled side. And to end the evening, you can pull off an impressive grilled dessert before guests happily head for home, murmuring their appreciation for an amazing evening.

Choosing Some Non-Grilled Recipes

If you don’t want every part of the meal to focus on the grill, though – or if you want to add in a few extra appetizer munchies or side dishes – I’ve also included some non-grilled options you can slot into your game plan to fill out your menu. These non-grilled, make-ahead recipes will let you entirely complete at least some of the dishes before the party – another way to ensure that you’re able to kick back and actually enjoy your own bash!

And speaking of make-aheads: you know I’m allllll about making life easier by prepping ahead when I can. So, even if you do choose to grill every course of your cookout menu during the party, be sure to read through our recipes in advance. Specifically look for the places where you can complete prep work or even entire recipe steps ahead of time, so the final meal comes together easily (and you look like a BBQing superhero)!

Go grab a paper and pencil … and let’s make a plan!

~ Grilled Appetizers ~

Grilling the main course is obvious. But grilling up the appetizers? Well, that’s a little more unique! Try these sure-to-impress ideas to get your party rollin’!

Easy Grilled Polenta with Fresh Mozzarella and Balsamic Tomatoes Recipe {}

Easy Grilled Polenta with Fresh Mozzarella and Balsamic Tomatoes

So pretty with those summery tomatoes and fresh basil … and surprisingly easy! This recipe also works nicely as a side dish offering, if you choose to skip the appetizer course altogether.


Grilled Zucchini Flatbread with Goat Cheese and Rosemary

This is a simple but surprisingly delicious appetizer – and filling enough to keep everybody’s hunger at bay while you work on grilling the main event. It’s also nice as a vegetarian main course option (but be warned … even non-vegetarians will be fighting for the last slice!).


Taco Burger Sliders on Polenta

Here’s another idea using grilled polenta rounds, because that’s such a simple way to create impressive individual appetizers! These mini burgers are a hearty way to kick off a BBQ – they’d actually be a great starter course if you plan to munch a little, and then take a break for guests to swim or play yard games, with the rest of the meal following a little later on. These sliders are truly even substantial enough to serve as a main course, surrounded by some great side dishes or picnic salads. With this recipe, you’ve definitely got a lot of options!


~ NON-Grilled Appetizers ~

Even if you want to try one of our grilled appetizer recipes above, it’s often a good idea to have a make-ahead appetizer all ready to go when your guests start to arrive. These are perfect additions to practically any BBQ menu, no matter what else you’re throwing on the grill!

5-Minute Avocado Ranch Dip with Greek Yogurt

I’m not kidding about the 5-minute prep time here. This dip is seriously easy to throw together! It’s terrific with veggies, or with whole-grain tortilla chips … or BOTH. Bonus points: for an extra-fun and colorful appetizer platter, try serving this with our pretty Rainbow Veggie Kabobs!


Mediterranean Deviled Eggs with Roasted Red Pepper Hummus

Deviled eggs are an absolute staple at summer picnics and cookouts! This version is a fresh twist on the classic, and a bit more dressed-up and gourmet. If you’d like to offer two options on your deviled egg plate, you could also try our “plain” Hummus Deviled Eggs, too!


Healthy Sugared-Vanilla Yogurt Fruit Dip

I absolutely love including fruit on summer party menus. It’s light and healthy, and such a refreshing choice on hot days. This fruit dip is delicious alongside an appetizer tray piled high with fresh summer fruit, or you can amp up the fun by serving it alongside fruit kabobs or even a fruit bouquet centerpiece!


~ Grilled Main Courses ~

Ok, ok … we’re talking BBQ menus and grilling parties here, so whether you plan to grill ALL your recipes or not, you really, really need to plan a main course for the grill. From burgers to chicken to fish … we’ve got plenty of ideas, so you can choose the one that’s just right for your party! Choose from:

Easy Grilled Fajita Burgers with Guacamole

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with grilling up some regular ol’ lean hamburgers or turkey burgers. Burgers are always a cookout favorite! But why not change things up a bit and add some extra flair to your barbecue menu with these fantastic Fajita Burgers? Definitely more memorable!


Tines of antique carving fork twined in several slices of steak on wooden board.

Quick Flank Steak Recipe

This ultra-simple recipe has just 2 ingredients, but it’s wonderfully tender and delicious. It’s been a family favorite for decades!


Closeup of the right side of a completed hamburger topped with Italian vegetables, cheese and bun.

Italian Grilled Hamburgers

And talk about memorable … nobody will be able to forget the bold spices and melty mozzarella cheese we’ve got goin’ on here! Not to mention the unique combination of both ground beef and Italian sausage. Sensational!


Grilled Chicken Marinaded with Lemon and Garlic

This chicken absolutely sings with bright, fresh flavors! It’s quick and easy for entertaining, since you get the chicken marinating before your party begins. Plus, you’ve probably got most of the ingredients you need, already waiting in your pantry!


Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Burgers

These are pretty much a slam dunk. I mean, for real here … we’re talking pizza + hamburgers, combined in one gloriously juicy, satisfying sandwich!


Caprese Grilled Fish

Such quintessential summer flavors! This recipe was shared with us by the chef at a beloved Hilton Head restaurant, and it instantly became a family favorite. It’s a great alternative to the typical burgers-and-dogs routine you so often find at cookouts and barbecues!


Tex-Mex Taco Burgers With Creamy Salsa Dressing

These are sort of a bigger version of the cute little Polenta Sliders I mentioned above. They’re absolutely bursting with flavor from healthy veggies, but still satisfyingly beefy. Best part? They’re topped with a delicious Greek yogurt salsa sauce and crunchy tortilla chips!


Easy Homemade Grilled Pizza

To really get people mingling and chatting, use this idea as an interactive, make-your own pizza party! It’s an instant conversation booster, which can be terrific if you’re hosting friends and family who don’t yet know each other very well. Set out lots of different toppings, and your guests will have a blast debating what to choose as they customize their own sections of made-to-order pizzas. (You can also choose to make smaller, personal pizzas instead). A bonus for you, oh Grill Master: your guests all rotate through, hanging out with you by the grill as you crank out their creations. It’s impressive and a lot of fun, too!


~ Grilled Side Dishes ~

Veggies and the grill were made for each other! Grilling caramelizes their natural sugars and heightens their flavors. So simple, with practically no extra work at all, since you’re already firing the grill up, anyway. It’s basically the same magic that happens when you roast vegetables in the oven (remember how I blather on and on about how much I adore that technique?) … but with grilling, the magic happens outside in the gorgeous summer sunshine (even better!).

Overhead of recipe after being grilled, still in foil packet that's been opened in a yellow bowl.

Foil Packet Grilled Potatoes

This easy side dish uses a foil packet technique to eliminate 3 common, additional cooking steps. So easy! And you get delightfully fluffy potatoes with lots of yummy, golden-brown spots!


Overhead of grilled asparagus on rectangular platter with lemons and antique fork tucked in; parmesan nearby.

Grilled Asparagus with Parmesan, Lemon and Garlic

Just a few ingredients add up to wonderful flavors! I always start with two pounds of asparagus for my family of four people (we really do love this recipe THAT much). But it’s easy to cut the recipe in half for just one pound of asparagus, if you prefer … or scale it up for larger gatherings.


5 ears of grilled corn on the cob on a white platter, with pretty greens and spices nearby.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob

And, of course, if it’s summer and you’re planning a BBQ menu, you’ve gotta throw some corn on that grill! This article has all the details on different methods, plus tips and serving ideas, too. And the next two side dishes below are perfect ways to turn that grilled corn into flavor-packed salads …


Closeup of about half the serving platter of Corn Salad, with a serving spoon dipped into the side, and squeezed lime rinds, extra cheese and cilantro leaves in the background.

Mexican Street Corn Salad

This pretty salad is our twist on traditional Mexican elote – a uniquely delicious side dish that’s perfect for BBQs and cookouts. And after loads of testing, we’ve found a couple handy tricks for keeping it lighter, too!


Four-Ingredient Grilled Corn Salad with Nonfat Chili-Lime Dressing

In this recipe, the smoky-sweet flavors of your grilled corn are beautifully balanced out by a little tangy lime juice and a pleasant, tingling heat from cayenne pepper. If you don’t want to spend time cutting the corn from the cob to toss this salad together during the party, you can actually make this salad up to a day ahead, too. It’s still technically a grilled side dish, if you wanna go the all-grilled route for your menu, but you’ve saved your sanity a bit by getting some of the work done before the party – brilliant!


How to Make Other Easy Grilled Side Dishes – No Recipe Needed!

You really don’t even need a specific recipe to create fantastic grilled veggie side dishes. To be honest, we often just wing it – and it works out beautifully.

Take a look at the main dish you’ve chosen and decide what veggies will be nice alongside (or take a peek at what produce looks best at the market). Whatever you choose, toss your vegetables with a bit of olive oil, and give ’em a hit of salt and pepper. If you want, you can also sprinkle on a few other spices that highlight the flavors in your main dish, but you really don’t even have to go that far – simple salt and pepper is enough. Grill the veggies in a grill basket to keep them from falling through the grates, or arrange them on skewers as pretty kabobs (check out our post on The Secret to Perfect Shish Kabobs for more detailed suggestions on getting the best results).

A few to try: maybe cut big chunks of onions and colorful peppers. Or, line up tender asparagus or crisp green beans in your grill basket and give them a few minutes to get slightly blistered and toasty (without getting mushy). These are ideas we use a lot, and they’re just scrumptious!

After grilling, nibble a couple of the veggies to see if you need to adjust the seasoning … and serve them up, piping hot, for a vibrantly delicious, super-nutritious side dish!


~ NON-Grilled Side Dishes ~

Want to add a cold salad to your party menu? Great idea! I like to have a mixture of hot, cooked dishes along with one or two cold items, just to add variety to the temperatures and textures guests will experience as they eat. Here are a few fantastic options:

Closeup of the right side of a white serving bowl full of this pasta salad with forks and a red-striped cloth in the background..

Easy Italian Pasta Salad

Italian Pasta Salad is always a hit … but classic pasta salad recipes are typically loaded with unwanted fat and white carbs. This easy recipe has all the bold flavors you love, but a few simple tweaks make it so much healthier, too! (And, if you have vegetarian or vegan friends on your guest list, be sure to scroll through our gorgeous collection of Vegan Pasta Salads.)


One little white bowl holding an individual portion of bean salad, with the full serving bowl and other empty bowls in the background.

Old Fashioned Kidney Bean Salad

This recipe is an updated riff on the beloved Bean Salad served at the iconic Nick Anthe’s restaurant for more than 30 years. Uniquely delicious, and so very easy (like, 7 minutes EASY)!


No-Cook Fresh Corn, Tomato and Avocado Salad

This simple combination just screams “SUMMER!” with its candy-sweet, fresh summer corn and bright, perfectly ripe tomatoes. Mmmmm … plus the buttery, melt-in-your-mouth avocados. Awesome. A great alternative to the Grilled Corn Salad above. (Or you can check out our whole, yummy list of corn salad recipes for even more inspo!)


overhead photo of about half the serving bowl, sitting on a wooden cutting board with a few extra grapes and pecan pieces scattered around

Grape Salad with Cream Cheese-Vanilla Dressing

This takes just 10 minutes to throw together, and you can even make it several days ahead. Plus, it’s soooooo oh-my-goodness refreshing on a hot summer day!


Easy 7-Layer Chicken Taco Salad

Layered picnic salads are a classic offering at cookouts and summer potlucks. Our yummy riff is a fun mash-up of those classic salads, combined with a Mexican 7-layer dip. Two faves in one! And hey, hey … for those of you who prefer mayo-free salad recipes … there’s not one bit of gloppy mayo in sight!


overhead of a serving bowl of coleslaw sitting on a green-striped towel

Healthy No Mayo Coleslaw (with Creamy Greek Yogurt Dressing)

How can you have a BBQ without coleslaw? This easy recipe is the perfect middle ground between creamy coleslaw and tangy vinegar slaw. And it ditches all the fat and questionable ingredients lurking in most bottled coleslaw dressings. This slaw has become one of our most popular recipes of all time – a runaway hit ever since we posted it more than four years ago! (BTW … it’s also mayo-free.)


~ Grilled Desserts ~

Maybe even more unique than making your appetizers on the grill … making a grilled dessert! Both of these creations draw upon a summery, tropical theme and are loaded up with healthy but lusciously sweet, caramelized fruits. They’re crazy-delicious, but your guests won’t have all the guilt of filling up on a fatty, heavy dessert they’ll regret later. And trust me – you’ll definitely earn bonus points for the fun twist of presenting a grilled dessert to end your perfect BBQ menu!

one plate of cake with berries, cream and lemon zest on top, and additional plates of cake in background

Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe

So very simple (with just 5 ingredients)! Drizzle blueberry cream over warm, grilled angel food cake, toss on a handful of summer berries, and sprinkle it all with a little lemon zest. Mmmmm … it’s truly special. Plus, we show you how to give it some red, white and blue flair for star-spangled, all-American holiday cookouts, too!


Grilled Tropical Fruit with Almond-Ricotta Sauce

I love to serve the warm, grilled pineapple and bananas alongside some cool, sweet berries – but that’s totally optional. Either way, the lick-your-plate, 4-ingredient sauce adds ideal extra sweetness and a pop of almond-vanilla flavor that ties everything together. If you think that fruit is too healthy to be a decadent dessert … think again!


Banana Split Grilled Dessert Nachos

Dessert nachos? Kinda unexpected, right? But dessert nachos off the grill?!? That’s something your guests will definitely remember! These have all the beloved flavors of a banana split … repackaged in a totally unique way! Crispy, sweetened “nacho chips,” caramelized fruit, and a delicious strawberry sauce. Psssst … they’re even better with a little scoop of ice cream! Quick, easy, decadent, and surprisingly nutritious, too! And such an impressive way to end your cookout!


~ NON-Grilled Desserts ~

But what if you’re thinking that, by the time dessert rolls around, you’ll be ready to take a break from hovering over the grill? Maybe you’d rather just make a summery dessert ahead of time? No shame in that! Try one of these easy, make-ahead desserts. They’re still healthier than so many of the weigh-you-down desserts people often bring to picnics (who wants to feel bloated and overfull after a party – especially a summer party??). But they’ll definitely still end the party on a satisfyingly sweet note your guests will love!

Easy Homemade Fudgesicles

Is it going to be extra hot the day of your cookout? Well then, how about a refreshing frozen dessert? Mmmmmmm … perfect! How about a frozen dessert that’s creamy, dreamy, chocolate-y (and still light and healthy, too)? Even more perfect, right?!? These decadently rich homemade fudgesicles require only 4 simple, pantry-staple ingredients (easy-peasy!). And they’re all-natural and fat-free, too! Guaranteed: both kiddos and adults will LOVE them! You could even make a couple different popsicle recipes for a little variety – try our yummy Strawberry Sundae Yogurt Ice Pops or our Easiest-Ever Grape Popsicles!


No-Bake Blueberry-Almond Oatmeal Bars with White Chocolate

Don’t want to heat up your kitchen by baking on a hot summer day? I hear ya! And with these no-bake cookie bars, you don’t have to! The only problem here is that, if you make them too far ahead, they may disappear long before the party even starts. (Seriously – they’re that good!) So you may have to hide them from your kids. And … ahem … maybe even from yourself! Oh – and if you like the bar cookie idea, I can also highly recommend our Kentucky Derby Chocolate-Pecan Cookie Bars. These do require an oven, but they’re so crazy-good that, after just his first couple of bites of the very first test batch, my son declared that he wanted them for his next birthday party. No kidding. Absolutely worth firing up the oven, I promise!


Easy Tropical Angel Food Cake with Pineapple and Toasted Coconut

You can mix up this cake in just moments – using pantry staples! Hurray! It’s a perfect go-to recipe when you don’t want to fuss over dessert, but still want it to look like you fussed. A boxed angel food mix gets all gussied up with the tropical flavors of juicy pineapple, crunchy almonds and toasted coconut … quick and easy to make ahead, yet so pretty and really delicious!


Alrighty – have you picked out which recipes you’re going to put together for your party menu?

Still need even more ideas? Not to worry!

  • We’ve got nearly 400 additional ideas for you over on our Healthy Grilling and Picnic Recipes board on Pinterest!
  • Plus, loads more sides in our collection of Healthy Cookout Side Dishes.
  • And lots of star-spangled recipes that are perfect if you’re planning a BBQ menu specifically for Memorial Day, 4th of July or Labor Day. (Decisions … decisions …)
  • Oh! And no matter what food you serve, I definitely recommend setting out a pretty pitcher of our infused Cucumber Water or our citrus-y Lemon Lime Cucumber Water. They’re so very refreshing on a warm summer day!

Whatever menu you decide on, remember to plan and prep ahead as much as you can, and to look for BBQ recipes that will let you enjoy your own party as much as your guests do.

Happy grilling, friends!

The post Mix-and-Match Easy BBQ Menu Ideas appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs (2 Ways – Appetizer or Dessert!) Mon, 02 Jul 2018 15:42:36 +0000 The post Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs (2 Ways – Appetizer or Dessert!) appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs are surprisingly easy to make! And, with our easy tips, you can spin them two ways: as either a refreshing fruit skewer appetizer with a sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! We’ve even got fun serving ideas to amp up the WOW factor! So perfect for picnics and BBQ parties all summer long … from Memorial Day to 4th of July, right on through to Labor Day! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Make Ahead    Vegetarian    Gluten Free (appetizer version)  

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Food on a stick is just more fun. Popsicles, sandwiches … pretty much anything-kabobbed is automatically a fun-ness upgrade.

And ya know what else is fun? Summer! Picnics and BBQs, and looooong lazy days with friends and family. Ahhhhhh … summer!

So these fruit kabobs are pretty much Fun x 2. Maybe even Fun²!

I mean, you’ve got the whole food-on-a-stick thing happening here + summer. Yeah … that’s pretty darn fun! (Psssst … and it’s even healthy, too! Total winner!)

The Perfect Summer Recipe

All decked out in red, white and blue, these fruit kabobs will be your go-to picnic recipe from your Memorial Day party (that official summer kick-off!) straight on through to Labor Day (when we all sadly acknowledge that summer has to make way for autumn).

And 4th of July?!? Yes, yes and yes – these are the perfect thing to take to a picnic or potluck for Independence Day. (That’s definitely my plan, since I got assigned “fruit” for my mother-in-law’s 4th of July brunch party this year.)

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Bonus! We’ve got ideas to spin these 2 different ways:

  1. As an adorable, refreshing appetizer …
  2. Or as a decadent (but still healthier, bikini-friendly) dessert!

So let’s talk about those options:

1) An Easy Appetizer with WOW Factor

Fruit kabobs are a sure hit as appetizers and snacks, and they’ll be big-time attention-getters on long buffet tables filled with potluck snackies and side dishes.

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Just serve them alongside some yummy fruit dip, and stand back as the masses swarm in to grab ’em up!

No doubt, my favorite appetizer fruit dip is our Healthy Sugared-Vanilla Yogurt Fruit Dip. With just 4 simple ingredients it’s so easy … like, 5 minutes easy … and also surprisingly healthy. It’s creamy and cool – perfect in the summer heat – and the notes of vanilla, brown sugar and cinnamon are terrific complements to summer’s fresh fruits.

2) A Healthy Dessert – Refreshing and Bikini-Friendly!

Wanna spin these fruit skewers in a sweeter direction? A dessert direction? Maybe with some cake and chocolate?

Yeah, ya do!

It’s so easy! Just swap out some of the white fruits in your red-white-and-blue color palette, using fat-free angel food cake instead.

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

And then … whip up some Chocolate Dip for dunking! Nestled next to pretty fruit kabobs, it’s like a picnic version of fondue – serious fun-ness factor going on here!

And the guilt that usually comes along with decadent desserts? The worry about whether that dessert you’re craving can possibly play nicely with the swimsuit you’re wearing?

No worries here!

Our Chocolate Dip is so much lighter! (And it’s only got 3 ingredients you can throw together in under 10 minutes.)

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Healthier decadence in moments – perfect!

So let’s talk about getting this done …

How To Make Fruit Kabobs for Red, White and Blue Summer Parties

These patriotic fruit skewers are just a riff on the Fruit Kabobs and Fruit Bouquets we taught you how to make almost five years ago (where does the time go?!?).

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Basically, to make fruit kabobs, you:

  1. Gather red, white and blue fruits. If you’re making the dessert version, grab an angel food cake, too (to save the time of making it yourself, you can purchase one at most grocery store bakeries).
  2. Wash, peel and cut your fruit into kabob-sized chunks. For dessert skewers, cut your angel food cake into chunks, too.
  3. Use cookie cutters to make patriotic stars out of melons if you’d like to really jazz up your kabobs (cute but totally optional). We generally recommend that you cut the melon into slabs about ½” thick. Specifically, you always want the melon slices to be slightly thinner than the depth of your cookie cutters (so your cutters will easily be able to cut all the way through).
  4. Thread your ingredients onto bamboo skewers, alternating colors and fruits.
  5. Serve your fruit kabobs next to our Yogurt Fruit Dip for an appetizer, or Chocolate Dip for dessert.
  6. Bask in the praise of happy friends as they scarf down your adorable picnic food that’s waaaaay more fun than regular fruit (since, as we’ve already covered, food on a stick is always more fun)!

How to Turn Your Fruit Kabobs Into a Fruit Bouquet Centerpiece

For a really stunning presentation, you can dial the fun-ness allllllll the way up by creating a fruit bouquet with some of your fruit skewers. Perfect way to add HUGE impact to a fruit tray or star-spangled summer fruit salad!

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

And, seriously – it’s so easy!

All you really need to know is:

• If you want to arrange your skewers at the center of a fruit tray as we did in the photo above, start by placing a small vase or drinking glass in the center of your tray BEFORE piling all the other fruit around it.

• It’s generally best to choose a firm, dense fruit (like a grape) to be the very bottom fruit on your skewer, so it can successfully support the other fruits above it without sliding down the skewer. Over time, less dense fruits (like watermelon cubes) tend to begin migrating south, sliding down along the skewers.

• Snap some of your skewers a bit shorter than others, so your fruit bouquet has skewers of varying heights.

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

• If you’re creating a dessert fruit bouquet that includes chunks of angel food cake, make sure the cake chunks are near the top of the skewers in your bouquet, since they can’t support much weight and will get squished if you thread too many other pieces of fruit on top of them. Alternately, you can offer a big bowl of angel food cake chunks off to the side, with toothpicks for individual skewering. Oh – and for tips to make sure you easily cut your cake into pretty cubes, without the dreaded SMOOSHING, check out our post on How to Cut Angel Food Cake.

How to Make a Fruit Kabob Flag

This is a cute little twist, perfect for summer holidays like the 4th of July … and, maybe most especially for Flag Day (because everyone throws a big Flag Day Party, right?!?!).

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Basically, all you do is:

  1. Thread alternating rows of red and white fruits (or angel food cake) onto skewers, leaving a rectangular area for blueberries and melon “stars” at the upper left of your fruit flag.
  2. Then, you lay your skewers side-by-side, lining them up into a flag shape.

I’ve seen photos of this type of fruit kabob flag before (it’s definitely not an entirely new idea), but I didn’t see anybody making little stars for their field of blue. Most people just seem to thread blueberries on the skewers to make a blue box … without adding any little stars. Nothing wrong with going that route, but if you’ve got your star-shaped cookie cutters out, anyway … why not add some stars to your flag?!?

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Authenticity note: the American flag actually has red stripes at the top and bottom (not white like in my fruit flag). But, since I also wasn’t gonna worry about creating exactly 13 stripes, or 50 stars … I decided to maximize the dessert-y vibe in my flag, by starting and ending with cake instead.

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Totally up to you how you build your fruit flag … no worries … you’re playing with fruit here, so this isn’t really a rule-following situation!

Choosing Red, White and Blue Fruit for Your Kabobs

When it comes to choosing great fruit, go with whatever’s at its peak or looks freshest and most delicious at the market.

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Some good choices include:


  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Red grapes
  • Cherries


  • White(ish) melons (Golden honeydew and crenshaw melons have flesh that really is pretty white, but in a pinch, you can generally get away with using a regular, green-ish honeydew. That’s what I had to do when I shot these photos for you in late spring.)
  • Bananas (Just remember that they’ll turn brown if you cut and skewer them too far in advance.)
  • White peaches (If you can find them and have time to peel them.)


  • Blueberries (Definitely the perfect blue fruit, since “blue” is right in the name!)
  • Blackberries (Technically not exactly blue, but they fit in just fine.)

Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

Alrighty! I think you’re ready to have some patriotic, fruit-filled fun!

Whether you’ve been tasked with bringing an appetizer to the picnic, or a dessert to the summer BBQ … either way, just show up with fruit on a stick, and let the fun begin!

Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs (2 Ways – Appetizer or Dessert!)

Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs (2 Ways – Appetizer or Dessert!)

Yield: varies
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Total Time: 15 minutes

Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs are perfect for picnics and BBQ parties all summer long! They're surprisingly easy to make, and with our easy tips, you can spin them two ways: as an appetizer or a dessert!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less    Make Ahead  •  Vegetarian    Gluten Free (appetizer version)  


Red Fruit Options

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Red grapes
  • Cherries (pitted)

White Fruit Options

  • White melons such as crenshaw or white honeydew, or a "regular" green honeydew if that's all you can find
  • Bananas
  • White peaches, if you can find them and have time to peel them

Blue Fruit Options

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries

To Finish Appetizer Fruit Kabobs

To Finish Dessert Fruit Kabobs


  1. Wash and, if needed, peel or cut your fruit.
  2. If desired, make some star-shaped cutouts by slicing melons slightly thinner than the depth of your star-shaped cookie cutters (generally about 1/2" thick is good), and using your star-shaped cutters to make stars of various sizes.
  3. Thread fruit onto bamboo skewers, alternating colors and types of fruit in pretty combinations.
  4. If making dessert kabobs, also thread cubes of angel food cake onto the skewers, in place of some of the white fruits.
  5. If desired, refer to the post for ideas and photos on how to present your fruit kabobs in an American flag shape or as a fruit bouquet.
  6. Serve with either the appetizer dip or the chocolate dessert dip (or both).


Make-ahead tips: Depending on which fruits you use, these fruit kabobs can generally be made at least a couple of hours in advance, and often even a day ahead. In addition, if you're cutting out melon stars, that step can also be completed a day or two in advance. Store your prepared fruit, covered, in the refrigerator until serving. Note, however, that bananas, in particular, do not hold up well and should be added only at the last minute. Also, if you're adding angel food cake to serve the fruit kabobs as a dessert, note that the angel food cake may become soggy if it's skewered ahead of time next to damp fruit, so it's often better to add the angel food cake closer to serving time (or offer it at the side if you'd like to complete your prep in advance). Both of our dips can be made a day or two ahead, as well.

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Easy and fun as appetizers or dessert! With our quick tips, you can serve Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs as a refreshing appetizer with sweet Yogurt Dip, or as a light but decadent dessert with cake and Chocolate Lava Dip! Plus fun serving ideas, too! Make these for all your summer picnics and BBQs ... from Memorial Day to 4th of July to Labor Day! #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #kabobs #appetizer #healthy #dessert #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly |

The post Red, White and Blue Fruit Kabobs (2 Ways – Appetizer or Dessert!) appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

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5 Showstopper Red, White and Blue Fruit Salads Thu, 14 Jun 2018 20:40:48 +0000 The post 5 Showstopper Red, White and Blue Fruit Salads appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ These Red, White and Blue Fruit Salads are sure to be showstoppers at all your summer holiday parties … from Memorial Day and the 4th of July, right on through to Labor Day. Even Flag Day! We’ve lined up these easy fruit salad recipes from the very quickest and most basic … to full on WOW factor, so you can choose which one you want to make, depending on how much time you’ve got! ~

This Recipe Is:     Ready in 30 Minutes or Less (some options)    Make Ahead    Vegetarian    Gluten Free  

Easy Showstoppers with lots of tips and tricks to guide you! These Red, White and Blue Fruit Salads will be a hit at all your summer parties - from Memorial Day and 4th of July, to Labor Day and Flag Day! Lined up from the most basic ... to full on WOW factor - choose which easy fruit salad recipe to make, depending on how much time you've got! Make a layered fruit salad, flag fruit salad, even a fruit bouquet centerpiece! #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly #picnic #patriotic |

Quick, easy DIY project! A DIY centerpiece + a delicious fruit salad … all in one! A showstopper at summer parties - from Memorial Day and 4th of July, to Labor Day and Flag Day! Plus, we’ve got 4 other patriotic fruit salad ideas (all decked out in Red, White and Blue)! Choose from super-basic to full on WOW factor, depending on how much time you have! | #DIY #centerpieces #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly #picnic #patriotic #redwhiteandblue #fruit #salad #partyfood |
Easy DIY tips! A Fruit Bouquet Centerpiece + a delicious fruit salad … all in one! A hit at summer parties - from Memorial Day and 4th of July, to Labor Day and Flag Day! Plus, we’ve got 4 other patriotic fruit salad ideas (all decked out in Red, White and Blue)! Choose from super-basic to full on WOW factor, depending on how much time you have! | #DIY #centerpieces #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly #picnic #patriotic #IndependenceDay #fruit #salad #bouquet #kabobs #partyfood |
So easy – with tips! Get the simple tricks for quickly making this American Flag Fruit Salad recipe, plus 4 more patriotic fruit salad ideas (all decked out in Red, White and Blue)! A definite hit at summer parties - from Memorial Day and 4th of July, to Labor Day and Flag Day! Great summer party ideas! This easy flag salad recipe is perfect for barbecues, cookouts and potlucks! | #bbq #recipe #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly #picnic #patriotic #IndependenceDay |
Easy WOW factor! Simple directions for making this layered fruit salad recipe, plus 4 more fruit salad ideas, all decked out in Red, White and Blue! Sure to be a hit at all your summer parties - from Memorial Day and 4th of July, to Labor Day and Flag Day! Choose from our super-basic patriotic fruit salad ... to a fruit flag and even fruit salad centerpieces! Great summer party ideas!| #summer #partyfood #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly #picnic #patriotic #IndependenceDay |
Simple but gorgeous! Plus we’ve got 4 more Easy Showstopper Fruit Salads, all decked out in Red, White and Blue: a layered fruit salad, flag fruit salad, even fruit centerpieces! Sure to be a smash hit at all your summer parties - from Memorial Day and 4th of July, to Labor Day and Flag Day! Choose from super-basic ... to full on WOW factor - depending on how much time you've got! | #4thofJuly #fourthofjuly #picnic #patriotic #IndependenceDay #fruits #salads |

Wait. Let me guess …

You’re heading to a barbecue. Maybe a potluck. (Maybe you’re even the hostess??)

And you want that “wow” factor. You wanna do that casual shrugging “awwwww … it was nothing” gesture when everyone ooooohs and aaaaaahs and says, “Oh my gosh! Who brought this?!?”

Yeah. Me too! (I hope we’re not going to the same party!)

But if you’re like me, you somehow also kind of managed to run short on time. Maybe you got a bit overzealous in imagining how much time you’d have to create your potluck masterpiece …. or maybe life happened. The soccer game ran late, you picked the slowest checkout lane at the grocery store (always … how is that even possible?). Something like that, right?!?

Same. Yep – I’ve totally been there. Like, pretty much

But ya know what? We can still be barbecue superstars! I promise! I’ve absolutely got you covered – and no matter how much time you have, you’ve got options!

Today I’ve got 5 fruit salad “recipes” for you … each with its own, fun twist … so you can easily punt at the last minute and pick whichever version you actually have time enough to make! There’s sort of a sliding scale of difficulty and time-consuming-ness here … from our “Base Model” right on up to a full-on-wow centerpiece!

So no matter how much time you actually end up with, you’ll still show up at the party with something terrific!

It all starts with what fruit you can find. Let’s brainstorm fruit options, so you’ve got a plan as you go dashing through the grocery store:

Choosing Fruits for Your Red, White and Blue Fruit Salad

Fresh fruits arranged in little baskets and bowls, including raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, cherries and strawberries


Red is so easy! Think of all the options …

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries (just don’t smash ’em!)
  • Red grapes
  • Cherries


White is waaaaay less easy, except at the real peak of summer when you’re more likely to be able to get your hands on white melons like golden honeydew or white crenshaw. Those are a prized find!

In a pinch, you can usually get regular, green-ish honeydew to look more or less like white (that’s what I had to do when I shot these photos for you in late spring). That’s generally going to be your safest bet, a fruit you can always count on finding at the store.

Bananas are, of course, very white … but they also very quickly turn mushy and brown. So, you usually only want to use those if you’re assembling your fruit salad at the last minute, or if you can just layer a few bananas on top right before serving.

Apples and pears are white if you peel them, but I just don’t think they feel summer-y enough to wheedle their way into my summer fruit salads (although I love apples in my Hearty Fruit Salad in the fall, and pears in my Salad with Goat Cheese at Thanksgiving). And besides, just like bananas, apples and pears both have their own issues with turning brown.

So, in terms of white summery fruit, you’ve basically got:

  • White(ish) melons
  • Bananas
  • White peaches, if you can find them and have time to peel them


Closeup of blueberries and blackberries, topped with little white stars cut out of a honeydew melon

Blue – we’re back to easy! Particularly since there’s a berry with the word “blue” in its name. Slam dunk. All you really need are:

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries

Need a Dressing Recipe for Your Fruit Salad?

Personally, I almost never mix a dressing into my fruit salads. Summer fruits are just so gorgeous on their own, and they’re so bursting with their own natural sugars that I feel like they don’t necessarily need anything more.

But, I do sometimes like to offer a fruit dip / fruit salad dressing on the side – in case other partygoers want to get a little reckless and crazy. (Wait … does that make it sound like I go to really lame parties … if “reckless” means using some fruit dip?!?! Oh geez … I promise I have more craziness in my life than that! 😉 )

If you’d like to offer a fruit salad dressing as a side option, I definitely, definitely recommend our Healthy Sugared-Vanilla Yogurt Fruit Dip.

Small white plate filled with red, white and blue fruits, with a spoon drizzling fruit salad dressing on top

It’s only got 4 ingredients, and it’s thin enough to be a nice dressing over a fruit salad, but thick enough to double as a fruit dip, too!

If you do decide you want a dressing, though, serve it on the side, so that it doesn’t mess with the red, white and blue color scheme you worked so hard to create!

Ok … now you’ve got your fruit and you’ve made your fruit salad dressing decisions. How much time do you have??? Take a peek at your watch, and then build your fruit salad accordingly, starting with our fastest, easiest option …

1) The Basic (But Still Awesome), Super-Easy Red, White and Blue Fruit Salad

Large bowl filled with a mixture of red, white and blue fruits to show the easiest option for making a patriotic fruit salad

Let’s start with the base model. Toss a bunch of red, white and blue fruit in a bowl, and off you go.

Ok, full disclosure: this may not exactly constitute true “wow factor.” But, studded with the season’s freshest fruits, it’s still gorgeous. Still has sweet, summertime refreshment written all over it.

And it’ll still win ya at least a tiny “oooooh and aaaaaah” from hungry bystanders. Because no matter how basic and obvious it seems, what is guaranteed to be a hit at summer picnics? Fruit. When the temperature rises, people gobble it like candy. (And really … isn’t fruit basically Nature’s Candy? Go with me here – just nod and say yes.).

Wanna turn the “Base Model” into something  a little more star-spangled?

If you’ve got an extra couple minutes (and you were able to track down a white-ish melon), then just cut a couple of melon slices that are about ½” thick, and use a little star-shaped cookie cutter to make some celebratory stars!

Slice of honeydew melon on a cutting board, with a small star-shaped cookie cutter making little melon stars to decorate the fruit salad

It really only takes about an extra 5 minutes tops, but it goes a looooooong way toward that wow factor you were hoping to achieve!

Large bowl of mixed red, white and blue fruit - decorated with little melon stars on the top

But what if you have even a little bit MORE time to get organized and build your salad? Then you’ve got time for …

2) A Red, White and Blue Layered Fruit Salad!

This is just that Base Model Fruit Salad above, with a little upgrade package. It honestly requires hardly any extra time at all!

Clear glass bowl with a layer of red fruit, topped by a layer of white fruit, and then a layer of blue fruit.

There are two main tricks to success here:

• A Clear Bowl – To really get the wow factor pumped up, you truly do need a clear glass bowl or even a footed trifle bowl. You want people to see all that patriotic fruitiness! I got my glass salad bowl ages ago (wedding gift!), but it’s similar to this one, and I use it for lots and lots of things beyond fruit salads. (It’d be picnic-perfect for this Layered Chicken Taco Salad, too!)

• The Right Fruit – You need to have the same amount of each color of fruit, so each of those pretty stripes is roughly the same size. Remember how I mentioned that white fruits can be tough to come by, especially for Memorial Day, at the kick-off of patriotic foods season? If you couldn’t come up with much in the way of white fruit, for example, then you might need to stick with our Base Model fruit salad (above) … because with that one, you can get away with just tossing a few banana slices in at the last minute and there’s still enough “white” for people to get the whole red-white-and-blue vibe you were shooting for.

My son and I quickly tossed something like this together last Fourth of July, and when we stood back and saw how pretty it was … we snapped some pics (of course – gotta think about Instagram, right?!?), and immediately knew we’d be sharing the idea with all of you.

Almost a year later, with the 4th just a couple weeks away … now’s the time!

If only we’d had a few more minutes that day, then we could’ve added little stars on top, too! Just like we suggested in Option #1 above, if you’ve got the time, then whip out those cookie cutters for a cute finishing flourish …

Layered fruit salad topped with white melon stars, surrounded by red and blue fruits and wooden spoon

3) A Star-Spangled, American Flag Fruit Salad

Instead of making vertical red-white-and-blue layers in a clear trifle bowl, take a couple of extra minutes and make flag stripes in a baking dish! Poof! Instant star-spangled showstopper! Well … nearly instant, that is!

I’ve seen some different versions of this idea, but none of them seemed to involve any sort of “stars” on the blue. What?!? That was easy enough to fix!

Let me share what I’ve found works best here and some of the options you’ve got.

You can easily make itty-bitty white dots for “stars” by using a small measuring spoon as a melon-baller, like this …

Flag fruit salad in a rectangle pan - rows of red and white fruit with a blue area dotted with white melon balls to make stars

Or, you can use that cookie cutter strategy once again, and cut out teeny stars to lay on top of your blueberries – so cute!

Flag fruit salad in a rectangular pan, with white melon stars on the field of blue

A few tips on this one, friends:

• Planning! – The main trick here is in carefully keeping your rows straight and making sure they’re all the same size. Before you get started, take a quick moment to strategize and figure out how many red and white stripes you’re gonna make, and about how wide each stripe will be. A moment of planning will make your life MUCH easier when you start building those stripes!

• Red or White?? – I’d recommend that you have red stripes on the top and bottom, for two reasons: (1) That’s how the American flag actually is. (Although … yes … technically, it actually has 13 of them, and we’re going for more like 5, but trust me, people will still get the flag idea with only 5 stripes!) And also (2) because, as we’ve already discussed, you’re more likely to be able to find a bunch on red fruits than a bunch of different white ones, so it’s better to have more red stripes than white.

• Keep ‘Em Separated! – Also, I find that the blue area is easiest to create if you have a separate little rectangular or oblong dish – just to keep those blueberries contained. But, honestly, you can get by without it if you don’t have one.

But wait … do you have EVEN MORE time to build your fruit salad? To reach EVEN GREATER heights?!? Then buckle up, friends … and check out our …

4) Easy Fruit Salad Centerpiece

This is so much more than just a fruit salad. This is a centerpiece, a showstopper. This is … WOW.

Centerpiece fruit salad featuring layered red white and blue fruits and festive party decorations coming up out of the middle of the bowl

And it’s seriously soooooo easy! Here’s what you do:

Before you pile fruit in your serving bowl, place a small vase or drinking glass in the center.

Then, add your fruit all around the vase.

Grab some festive patriotic decorations, and arrange them artfully (channeling your inner floral designer) in the vase.

One little tip here: I’d recommend NOT using decorations coated in glitter. Festive – yes. Great for eating – no. I learned this little gem of wisdom the hard way, after I photographed this salad for you, and (not surprising) found my beautiful fruit salad was sprinkled with not-so-edible glitter. Facepalm. Should’ve been obvious, right?!?

Ok! And now here’s the grand finale we’ve all been waiting for …

5) The Red, White and Blue Fruit Bouquet Centerpiece

This is how you ratchet alllllll the way up to full-on fruit salad magnificence. When you show up at the party with this, it says, “You guys are awesome friends and I went all-out for you.” (It also says, “You may now commence the oooooohing and ahhhhhhing.”)

Layered red, white and blue fruit salad - turned into a centerpiece by adding fruit kabobs to a vase at the center

It’s not hard. Truly – not hard at all! It just takes some extra time.

Use the same strategy as I outlined in #4 above, placing a small vase or drinking glass at the center of your serving bowl. But, instead of creating a display of purchased party decorations at the center, you’re gonna make fruit kabobs! (Oh yes – you are! You can do this, I promise!)

We’re basically just using the same concept we introduced waaaaaaay back in one of our first blog posts, when we detailed how to make fruit bouquets and fruit kabobs.

The only things you really have to know are:

• Choose the very bottom piece of fruit (that you’ll thread onto the skewer first) carefully – you want it to be sturdy enough that it can help support all the other fruit above it and doesn’t lose its shape and go sliding down your skewer. Red grapes, for example, tend to work much better than chunks of melon.

• Snap some of your skewers a bit shorter than others, so your fruit bouquet has skewers of varying heights.

Slices of watermelon on a cutting board, with star cookie cutters and skewers to make fruit kabobs

So, How Much Time Have You Got?

Not much time at all? No worries. Go for option #1. It’s a sure thing!

Time enough to unleash your inner Picasso? Then get super-creative playing with option #5!

Or, anywhere in between!


Well, I’d probably start out planning for #5. And then, I’d scale back as needed once reality hits and my day’s schedule gets re-scheduled 17 times!

But hey – that’s the beauty here … you’ve got options!

Closeup of two star cutouts and other fruit on a fruit kabob

And no matter how it ends up, you’ll still walk into that summertime party armed with something you’ll be proud of!

Pssssst … want even more star-spangled, red-white-and-blue ideas? Plus easy summer party tips? I’ve got lots of them for you in my collection of Memorial Day Food Recipes (which are absolutely not JUST for Memorial Day)!

overhead of fruit salad arranged in a white dish to look like an American flag

5 Showstopper Red, White and Blue Fruit Salads

Yield: varies

These Red, White and Blue Fruit Salads give you options for creating masterpieces from easiest ... to full-on WOW! No matter which one you choose, it'll be the showstopper at all your summer holiday parties! Perfect for Memorial Day and the 4th of July, right on through to Labor Day. Even Flag Day!

  Ready in 30 Minutes or Less (some options)    Make Ahead  •  Vegetarian    Gluten Free  


Red Fruit Options

  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries (just don't smash 'em)
  • Red grapes
  • Cherries

White Fruit Options

  • White melons such as crenshaw or white honeydew, or a "regular" green honeydew if that's all you can find
  • Bananas
  • White peaches, if you can find them and have time to peel them

Blue Fruit Options

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries


  1. Wash and, if needed, peel or cut your fruit.
  2. Depending on which salad you're making, combine the fruit in a large bowl or arrange it in layers or stripes. 
  3. If you're creating a Fruit Bouquet Centerpiece, use star-shaped cookie cutters to cut stars from melons, and thread some of the fruit onto bamboo skewers. Arrange the skewers at the center of your fruit salad, as described in the post. 
  4. If desired, serve with a fruit salad dressing alongside, such as our Healthy Sugared-Vanilla Yogurt Fruit Dip.


Make-ahead tips: Depending on which fruits you use, these fruit salads can generally be made at least a couple of hours in advance. Some of the fruits, particularly the melons, can even be cut or made into star shapes a day or two in advance. Bananas, in particular, do not hold up well and should be added only at the last minute.

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large bowl of red white and blue summer fruit, topped with white melon cut into stars

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Our Favorite Grill Recipes Sat, 28 May 2016 13:36:51 +0000 The post Our Favorite Grill Recipes appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and burgers – even grilled pizza! Plenty of inspiration to keep you grilling deliciously, healthfully all summer long! ~

Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Gotta love grilling season. Here in Ohio, we wait a long, long time for that moment when summer is finally, really and truly here, and we can fire up the grill for easy, lazy meals outdoors.

Sure, my family actually does grill year-round, at least now and then. Our grill is right outside the kitchen on our back deck, so it’s pretty easy. But grilling a perfect burger in the driving rain … or in three feet of snow … well, somehow it’s really just not the same.

Why is it that food tastes even better when it’s eaten outdoors, accompanied by fresh summer breezes and abundant sunshine? A mystery … but one we’re embracing today!

Hello, summer! And hello, grill recipes!

To celebrate good food and sunshine, we’ve got a collection of our favorite grill recipes – from appetizers to desserts, burgers to side dishes. Healthy, delicious recipes you’ll love all summer long! (And maybe even in three feet of snow, too – but we’re not gonna think about that right now!)

Closeup of the right side of a completed hamburger topped with Italian vegetables, cheese and bun.

Italian Grilled Hamburgers


Closeup of about half the serving platter of Corn Salad, with a serving spoon dipped into the side, and squeezed lime rinds, extra cheese and cilantro leaves in the background.

Grilled Mexican Street Corn Salad


Overhead of recipe after being grilled, still in foil packet that's been opened in a yellow bowl.

Grilled Potatoes (in Foil)


Tines of antique carving fork twined in several slices of steak on wooden board.
Quick Flank Steak on the Grill


Overhead of grilled asparagus on rectangular platter with lemons and antique fork tucked in; parmesan nearby.

Grilled Asparagus with Parmesan, Lemon and Garlic


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Easy Grilled Polenta with Fresh Mozzarella and Balsamic Tomatoes


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Grilled Chicken Marinade with Lemon and Garlic


5 ears of grilled corn on the cob on a white platter, with pretty greens and spices nearby.

How to Grill Corn on the Cob


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Easy Grilled Fajita Burgers with Guacamole


one plate of cake with berries, cream and lemon zest on top, and additional plates of cake in background

Blueberry-Lemon Angel Food Cake Recipe


Closeup of one wedge of flatbread surrounded by others on black baking sheet.

Grilled Zucchini Flatbread with Goat Cheese and Rosemary


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Taco Burger Sliders on Polenta


overhead photo of the salsa in a serving bowl with a spoon in it, with extra ears of corn and cilantro alongside

Easy Corn Salsa (or Salad) Recipe (with both grilling and raw options)


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Caprese Grilled Fish


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Cheesy Pepperoni Pizza Burgers


overhead of a tall pile of these dessert nachos, ready for serving, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top

Banana Split Grilled Dessert Nachos


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Tex-Mex Taco Burgers with Creamy Salsa Dressing


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Easy Homemade Grilled Pizza


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Four-Ingredient Grilled Corn Salad with Nonfat Chili-Lime Dressing


Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

Grilled Tropical Fruit with Almond-Ricotta Sauce


 And, although it’s not technically a grill recipe, this post is all about our very best grilling tip. Whether you’re grilling steak kabobs, chicken kabobs, or even fish or veggie kabobs, this is an easy technique that will make them all taste so much better!

Grill Recipes for everything from appetizers to dessert, plus grilled chicken and unique burgers – even grilled pizza! Delicious, healthy grilling recipes your family will love all summer long! |

The Secret to Perfect Shish Kabobs


Oh! And for those of you who’re planning a full-scale backyard party this summer, be sure to check out both our Mix-and-Match Easy BBQ Menu Ideas guide and also our collection of Healthy Side Dishes for Cookouts and BBQs. Those resources will help you plan ahead, so you can actually relax and enjoy your own party (how great would that be, right?!?!).

Happy summer, friends! Now fire up those grills, and get out there and enjoy it!

Pssssst … Still want even more yummy grill recipes? Check out our Healthy Grilling and Picnic Recipes board on Pinterest!


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Layered Rainbow Jell-O Salad Wed, 02 Jul 2014 13:13:14 +0000 The post Layered Rainbow Jell-O Salad appeared first on Two Healthy Kitchens.

~ No one will ever guess how much healthier this pretty, Layered Rainbow Jell-O Salad is! It’s got a hidden hit of protein … and it’s incredibly easy to make! Plus, we’ve got tips to help you customize the colors to fit any holiday or party theme! (Originally published as Layered Ribbon Jell-O Salad) ~

This Recipe Is:     Make Ahead    Gluten Free  

one square piece of this Jell-O Salad on a white plate, surrounded by colorful polka-dot napkins and striped party straws, and by the pan full of remaining Jell-O

Let’s just talk about the elephant in the room, shall we?

Or, rather, let’s talk about the Jell-O Salad in my refrigerator.

I know what’s on your mind. Jell-O isn’t exactly the most healthy food, so why is THK running a Jell-O Salad recipe??

Healthier … But NO ONE Will Even Notice!

Shelley and I actually spent quite a long time discussing this (as we happily munched some of my “healthier” Layered Rainbow Jell-O I wanted her to try). We know it’s not our typical recipe type. But we realized something …

You’re all eating Jell-O anyway, right? (I mean … we were eating it.) So why not give it a little boost of protein, and slash some calories and fat to make it healthier? (Like, with an impressive three cups of Greek yogurt – no kidding!)

And that’s why this recipe is appearing here. Poof. Like a magical rainbow!

My grandma (who stands at a whopping five feet tall and is the cutest-darn-thing you’ve ever seen) has been making this Jell-O Salad for years and years and years. She’s made it for nearly every single family function we’ve had. Birthday parties, wedding showers, baby showers, holiday meals …

closeup of a forkful, laying on its side on the tines of the fork so you can see the alternating cloudy and clear rainbow layers

Seriously, just look at it! It’s a party in a 9×13 dish! It just isn’t a family get-together for us without this salad!

It’s always been my Grandma who makes this. Well … until I went a little crazy …

One of the responsibilities that comes with buying a house with “great entertaining space” is hosting family parties. (Which I love!) But then I had a (totally crazy) moment where I thought I could handle every single part of hostessing, plus I’d make “The Salad.”


Do you ever do that? Especially when I’m a liiitttlllle stressed out (like cooking my first Easter dinner for the whole family, for example!), I somehow rationalize in my brain that I don’t need any help at all. Nope. I will clean the entire house from top to bottom by myself. (I have actually reorganized my closets before a party. I’m not sure why. Guests don’t usually make sure my shirts are organized by season AND color.) And, of course, I also volunteer to cook the majority of the meal. “Oh no! I’m fine! I’ll make it!”

overhead of the pan with a clear purple layer setting up
The layers are really, really thin. Especially when you first begin, you may think this salad will never amount to anything! But it chills very fast and actually goes together quickly!

Please tell me I’m not the only one. Please?

So yeah, I offered to host a big family holiday AND make my grandma’s famous Jell-O Salad. (Oh right … and I wanted to health-ify her version, without anyone knowing. No pressure.)

I was nervous. I couldn’t mess this up. I couldn’t let my super-sweet grandma down.

photo of Gretchen's Grandma
I love this woman. She is my role model and my rock. She is strong, adorable, funny and has a heart of gold. And … I think she’s just the cutest!

And ya know what? It turned out perfect. (Exhale …)

It was actually kind of funny when I revealed it had been heath-ified! Not only had no one noticed the change … but actually nobody even believed me when I confessed! (Whew!) They seriously had no idea that I’d subbed out the sour cream my grandma uses, and replaced it with nonfat (but high-protein!) Greek yogurt.

It was probably the easiest health-ification project I’ve ever tried! And nobody suspected a thing!

Just 4 (Mostly Hands-Off) Steps to Make Rainbow Jell-O!

Oh – and all of you who are looking at those pretty, pretty rainbow layers and thinking this Jell-O recipe is incredibly difficult to make … you would be kinda wrong. No, actually, you’d be totally wrong. It’s super simple!

Total time, from start to finish, is a long time. I’ll be honest about that.

But the hands-on time is actually blissfully short. The Jell-O just needs a nice rest in the fridge to chill between layers … which requires absolutely no effort on your part.

Remember when we made Easy, Healthy Applesauce Granola? And you just had to quick stir it every little while? But you really didn’t need to do much else, right?

clear orange layer of Jello filling in over top of the cloudy layer below it; while you can see the sides of the pan to see the rainbow layers that have been built up step by step
Sometimes when you pour on a new layer, the Jell-O doesn’t completely cover the entire layer below it. Simply tilt the dish and let the liquid flow to the empty areas.

Well, this is very similar. It’s just four basic steps!

All you have to do is:

  1. Mix up a box of Jell-O.
  2. Pour half of it into your pan and chill.
  3. Meanwhile, mix in some Greek yogurt to the second half.
  4. Pour that in and let it chill some more.

Then repeat with the next color … and then the next …

We’re talking stirring and pouring here, friends. That’s it! Told ya it was easy!

While the Jell-O chills, so can you. Or you can reorganize your closets. I won’t judge. (Actually, maybe I’ll come over and help! I’ll bring my label maker! Ohhhh … this could be super fun!)

How to Customize Your Jell-O Salad for Any Occasion

Know what else is really fun? You could make a red and blue Jell-O Salad to celebrate the Fourth of July! (Or red and green for Christmas … or orange and purple for Halloween … or shades of green for St. Patrick’s Day!)

this recipe adapted to have patriotic, red-white-and-blue layers instead of rainbow layers, with a piece on a white plate with little flags on it and a red napkin nearby
For this patriotic version of our Jello-Salad recipe, I made thicker stripes by using an entire box of Jell-O for each layer, rather than getting both a clear and a cloudy layer from each box. The set time was slightly longer since the layers were thicker.

You can easily change up the colors and the thickness of your Jell-O’s layers, depending on what color scheme you’re going for. This 4th of July version is just an example to get your creative juices flowing!

I won’t be attending a BBQ like many of you this weekend … because I’m in my cousin’s wedding! My “peanut” (as I’ve called her since she was tiny). She’s all grown up now and I’m so excited to stand beside her when she says “I do!” to a really great man. She’s always loved fireworks, and now she’ll have honorary anniversary fireworks every year … the wedding is on July 4th! (And no, Grandma isn’t making Rainbow Jell-O for the reception – I knew you’d ask!)

But for those of you who aren’t in a wedding and are doing more typical Fourth of July things like going to picnics … just imagine how impressed your friends will be when you walk in with this salad!

Make It Ahead!

Oh! And total bonus … this Jell-O Salad is 100% make-ahead!

It keeps beautifully in the fridge for days! So no worries that you’ll be missing any part of the parade – you can make this in advance.

one piece on a white plate with a white-handled fork, with the rest of the pan of Jello Salad in the background

Whichever version you choose to make, I hope you have a fabulously fantastic holiday weekend! Happy Fourth of July, friends!

Looking for More Great Picnic Ideas? Check Out Our:

Layered Ribbon Jell-O Salad Recipe {}

~ by Gretchen

Layered Rainbow Jell-O Salad

Layered Rainbow Jell-O Salad

Yield: 30 pieces
Prep Time: 30 minutes
Cook Time: 18 minutes
Inactive Time: 3 hours
Total Time: 3 hours 48 minutes

No one will ever guess how much healthier this pretty Rainbow Jell-O Salad is! It’s high in protein … and actually easy to make, too! Plus, you can use our tips to customize the colors for any holiday or event!

•  Make Ahead    Gluten Free  


  • 6 (3-ounce) boxes of Jell-O gelatin (any flavors you'd like)
  • 6 3/4 cups water, divided
  • 3 cups nonfat vanilla Greek yogurt


  1. Decide on your color pattern (the order for the colors of Jell-O you've selected), and begin by working with the color that will go on the bottom.
  2. Boil 1 cup of water in the microwave.
  3. Add 1 packet of Jell-O to the boiling water and stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour 1/2 cup of this liquid into a 9x13 pan to create a "clear" layer, tilting pan for even coverage if necessary (see note).
  5. Refrigerate until set (see note).
  6. While the first layer sets, add 1/2 cup Greek yogurt and 2 tablespoons cold water to the remaining liquid Jell-O for the "cloudy" layer.
  7. Pour the liquid for your "cloudy" layer on top of the completely set clear layer.
  8. Refrigerate again until set.
  9. Repeat this process with each color of Jell-O to create alternating "clear" and "cloudy" layers in each color you've chosen.
  10. Refrigerate until serving.


Achieving even layers: To ensure that each new layer of gelatin liquid spreads evenly across the entire pan, you may need to tilt the pan slightly.

Chilling time: The layers of Jell-O will set up rather quickly because they're so thin. At first, the layers may be set in as little as 10-15 minutes.

To make thicker layers as I did for the Fourth of July Jell-O Salad:
For each clear layer, use 1 entire box of Jell-O with 1 cup boiling water. Similarly, for each cloudy layer, use 1 entire box of Jell-O with 1 cup boiling water, plus 1 cup vanilla Greek yogurt and 2 tablespoons cold water. You can choose any colors you'd like, depending on the holiday or your party's theme colors.

Nutrition Information:
Yield: 30 servings Serving Size: 1 piece
Amount Per Serving: Calories: 30Total Fat: 0gSaturated Fat: 0gTrans Fat: 0gUnsaturated Fat: 0gCholesterol: 1mgSodium: 23mgCarbohydrates: 5gFiber: 0gSugar: 5gProtein: 2g

Nutrition information should be considered an estimate only, and may vary depending on your choice of ingredients or preparation. No guarantees are made regarding allergies or dietary needs. Always consult a physician or dietician for specific advice and questions.

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We'd LOVE to hear! Please leave a star-rating above. And, tag us on Instagram @twohealthykitchens or use the sharing buttons below!

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